Chapter 100: Asleep

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The closer they got to the due date the more Taio Ru seemed to sleep.

"Doctor he's been sleeping all day. The only time he's awake is when he's eating or for your daily exam. That can't be normal."

"I understand your concern Marshal, but it's not that unusual. His body is preparing to give birth. The babies are absorbing a lot of nutrients to grow that last little bit. It's exhausting and the sleep is how his body has chosen to get through it. I assure you, it's nothing to worry about." The doctor said.

He had said the same thing everyday for the past week. Yet, Jun De insisted on asking everyday.

"I understand. Even so, yesterday he slept 20hours..."

"Jun De, the doctor says it's not a problem. Yawn* Stop pestering him and help me go back to our room." Taio Ru said as he smacked his lips after letting out another big yawn, tears welling up at the corners of his eyes.

Jun De looked at his sleepy husband and although cute, he couldn't help but worry.

"The babies should be here within the next few days. Taio Ru, when it's time you'll most likely start to feel your muscles tense around the abdomen, possibly pain. When you do, contact me and I'll be over immediately to help with the birth." The doctor started explaining what would happen.

"Last time you said you'd have to cut the egg out. I'm a snake, do you still..."

"No, your beast form, unlike your human form has changed to prepare for the birth. You could give birth without me. If that was something you wanted. Although I wouldn't recommend it." The doctor joked.

Jun De and Taio Ru asked a few more questions before heading back to their room. As they walked the halls were quiet.

"Jun De, you don't have to clear the halls every time I leave the room. I'm feeling a lot less anxious recently." Taio Ru said.

It wasn't a lie either. Although he spent all day in the room, with the occasional visits from the doctor, Lieutenant Wuya, or Officer Laohu visiting occasionally his anxiety had improved.

"I know, love. I just don't think we should take unnecessary risks right now. You can try socializing with the crew after the babies are born and your health has stabilized." Jun De said as he quickly entered the room.

Jun De agreed that Taio Ru needed to push himself outside his comfort more. It was something they had tried working on by watching movies and going out on dates. He also invited his subordinates to the house more frequently.

Despite that, since the pregnancy he'd been less willing to expose Taio Ru to stressors. Stress wouldn't be good during his pregnancy. The few exceptions were the double date and when dealing with the police. Neither of which went well.

Jun De placed Taio Ru on the bed as usual. "I just don't want to cause unnecessarily trouble while I'm here." Taio Ru said knowing his presence made things awkward on the ship.

Beep!... Beep!...

"Love, I've got to go. We'll talk about this some more when I get back." Jun De said.

Taio Ru nodded and decided to nap again. As he watched Jun De leave.


"Lieutenant Wuya, report."

"We've found energy traces in the area. Most likely someone has passed through the area recently."

"Have you confirmed who?"

"We've checked the logs, no flight records have been sent. There shouldn't be any spacecrafts within our vicinity." Lieutenant Wuya said.

The Empire required all spacecraft to send in their flight logs. They also had specific routes open to public or military crafts. Jun De and his crew were currently traveling a public route.

If a spacecraft was on the route without authorization or sent records of their movements it often meant they were pirates or enemy forces.

"Prepare for possible enemy encounter. Mecha teams 8 and 9 on standby."

"Marshal should we adjust course to track the energy source or continue on route?" An officer asked.

Following the energy source could lead them into an ambush. Despite that as part of the military it could not be ignored.

"Send mecha teams 1, 3, 5 and warship Andromeda and Firefox on our original route. Warships Stargazer and Destiny along with mecha teams 2, 10, and 11. will move from this direction. The rest will change route and follow the energy source. In three days we will reconvene here."

Jun De quickly thought of a plan. He and the main force would follow the energy source. But he had separated the others to cast a wider net. Allowing for more flexibility in the event of an attack.

With their orders received everyone quickly made preparations.

"Marshal, teams 1, 3, and five are ready to depart." Officer Laohu reported.

His rank had been demoted to Officer, but it didn't affect his status on the ship much when it came to the soldiers. No one could deny his ability as a mecha warrior.

The biggest change was moving from head of the mecha warriors to only team leader of team 1. As well as Jun De's attitude towards him.

"Lieutenant Yazi. Are all mecha teams prepared to depart?" Jun De said ignoring Officer Laohu.

Jun De had been very angry with Laohu at the time of the incident. So much, he nearly beat him to death. But he didn't. He didn't so much as touch a single hair of his. Simply because Taio Ru had asked him not to.

Taio Ru didn't want Laohu to be affected too much. Claiming he was also a victim. He even said "I barely know anyone in this world. Although Lieutenant Laohu is your subordinate, he's been good to me. I don't want him to lose everything because of this."
Hearing Taio Ru say that, Jun De was both jealous and thankful. He knew finding friends wouldn't be easy for Taio Ru. Mostly because of his PTSD, but also because of his status.

So he reluctantly decided to only demote Laohu to Officer and team leader. He also allowed him to continue visiting Taio Ru. Although with strict instructions.

His attitude at work had also changed. He lost a lot of trust in Laohu and strictly followed the chain of command when dealing with him. Often ignoring him when he overstepped his rank while reporting. Sometimes even reprimanding him for it.

Despite it all though, Officer Laohu didn't mind. He was grateful he hadn't lost more after what had happened.

"Lieutenant Yazi, reporting. All teams are in place and ready to depart on your command." Lieutenant Yazi said with a perfect salut.

Lieutenant Yazi had taken over as Head of the Mecha Warriors. A position he was proud of. However not too proud as to feel a rivalry with the previous head Officer Laohu. In fact, he often asked Laohu for advice.

Officer Laohu was willing to help, but only from behind closed doors. He didn't want the others to undermine Lieutenant Yazi's command or prioritize his. He was after all demoted.

Although sometimes he did slip up and speak out of turn when reporting to Jun De. Not out of disrespect, but simply out of habit.

With everything set the warships departed on their assigned routes and cautiously moved forward.

During this time Taio Ru continued to sleep quietly in the room unaware of the potential danger up ahead.


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