Chapter 103: When it Rains, it Pours

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The battle raged on. More soldiers returning with powerless mechas or injured than those being deployed. Jun De sat motionless at his seat. His mind running a mile a minute as he observed the battlefield.

"Marshal the left flank!" An officer shouted.

"Send team 4. Have them approach from coordinates 3867. Low velocity, stealth mode." Jun De said. His commands clear and concise.

His crew executed all orders with faith and trust. The kind of trust built after years of working together and surviving through the worst.

While Jun De was commanding his troops, Taio Ru was relaxing in the garden. The alarms and tense atmosphere completely cut off. Like he was in a different world.

Despite being separated from the alarms, Taio Ru knew something wasn't right. He could sense it deep inside. His desire to leave the garden and join Jun De growing stronger with ever passing second.

"No, I can't. Going out there will only distract him. He needs to focus. If he's focused he can deal with the problem quickly and efficiently." He told himself for the hundredth time.

Trying to distract himself, Taio Ru decided to work on the algorithm for his Little Sun SS. Jun De hadn't wanted him to work on it while pregnant, plus Little Sun SS was currently far away on Capital Star.

Despite that he could still modify and work in the programming. Although executing and adjusting it would have to wait until he could access the machine.

As he lay on his favourite stone and transcribed his work a sudden tightness rang through his body. It was only a moment but it quickly caught Taio Ru's attention.

He looked down at his abdomen. Eyes focused on the little lumps. "Don't you dare!" He mumbled. The doctor's words appearing in his mind.

"Taio Ru, your due date is approaching fast. If you feel any pain or tightness in your abdomen, inform me immediately. It's often the first signs of labour."

Taio Ru refused to believe the short moment of tightness could be the start of labour. No he refused to believe it. "Not now. I still have three days. Plus Jun De is busy fighting the enemy. The doctor must also be busy treating the wounded. No one has time right now. Do you hear me babies? Stay inside!" Taio Ru said his mind going a little crazy at the possibility.


"Marshal, we've lost sight of the civilian class ships." An officer shouted.

"Destiny, Stargazer, I need eyes on the runners." Jun De instantly contacted the warships.

"We've got them within our sights. Do you want us to engage in battle, or follow them from a distance?" Commander Ma asked.

"Capture them alive. I want to know what was in the cargo ship they received from the Zerg." Jun De said.

He then redirected his attention to the battlefield. The 3 Zerg ships had been reduced to 1, but the Black Abyss Pirates proved more of a nuisance.

Taking advantage of the confusion, they engaged in cowardly tactics. Shooting at the Empire's mecha from behind and helping the Zerg gain an advantage.

The Zerg were the higher priority. The damage they could cause in a single moment far more devastating. Even so, Jun De couldn't ignore the Black Abyss Pirates, like a fly they needed to be crushed before he could deal with the shit. He decided to change tactics.

"Andromeda, continue pursuing the Zerg warship. Firefox join the Starburst in battle with the Black Abyss Pirates. I want them under control now." Jun De ordered.

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