Chapter 107: Let's Go on an Adventure!

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Once in the room he grabbed a change of clothes and slowly got dressed. Finding it hard to move with the terrible cramping in his lower abdomen like someone was twisting his insides.

Sitting on the bed, all he wanted to do was lay down and sleep. His eyes looked at the soft fluffy pillow beckoning him. Like a voice in his ear whispering "sleep". His eyes felt heavy and soon started to close.


The little ones all started hissing impatiently from inside the carrier. The Second even tapped on the lid trying to get out. The noise forced Taio Ru to reopen his eyes.

"Wait my babies. I'll look now." Taio Ru said as he braced himself to stand up. Sucking in a deep breath he leaned forward to stand. "Ugh!" He groaned  as he started to search the room. He wasn't very hopeful of the idea. Living on a warship didn't leave much need for snacks lying around everywhere.

"I found some water, but no food." Taio Ru complained as he looked at his measly bounty displayed on the table. He then grabbed a small bowl, filled it with water, and placed it in the carrier. His every move careful so as not to spill it.

The Second looked ready to escape the carrier the moment he opened the top. Thankfully,  when he saw the bowl of water he turned and started drinking along with his siblings. "Seems everyone was thirsty." Taio Ru said after closing the lid.

Licking his lips he couldn't help but feel parched, too. So he drank the remaining water in the bottle. The slightly cool water felt nice as it cooled his warm body.

"I might have a fever." He thought. Usually he didn't notice cooler temperatures unless it was very cold. Now, drinking from the bottle, he realized he might be a bit warmer than his usual cold blooded self.

Watching the babies gulp down the water, he considered his options. "I can call someone to bring us food now that we are in the bedroom. But they are all probably very busy. The cafeteria is only a 3 minute walk from here. They always have pre-made food so it shouldn't take too long. Even if they are busy, It would only take a second to grab some porridge or fruit."

Having made a decision, Taio Ru got up to leave again. "Let's go on an adventure." He said as he walked over to the door. The little snakes stared excitedly out the front. Curious of where their father would take them next.


The door opened. Taio Ru stepped outside and turned. He took three steps in the direction of the cafeteria when suddenly an officer appeared from the corner just ahead.

"Huh?! You're... you're the marshal's husband! Why are you walking outside the room?" He exclaimed in shock. The officer nervously started looking around him. Like a criminal caught in the act searching for a way to escape.

"I need to get some food." Taio Ru said. His hand shivering lightly as he grasped the carrier tight. The little snakes, like their father also stood still. There eyes observing the strange man before them.

"Food? Food! Of course, what do you want? I'll go get it for you now." The officer said with a stutter.

"You must be busy, I can get it myself." Taio Ru said.

"No, no, it's no problem at all. I'm actually about to go on my break. I'll get it for you. The cafeteria is pretty busy. And I heard you just had the baby. You must be exhausted. I'll get the food. You go rest." The officer insisted with a drop of cold sweat dripping down his forehead. He didn't know why, but he felt something awful would happen if he didn't stop the marshal's husband.

"I don't want to be an imposition." Taio Ru stated feeling a little odd. Relying on others wasn't exactly his strong suit.

At that moment another officer appeared. "Hey, Dishu! I thought you were headed to the room to catch some Zs. Why are you over here?" The man said with a light chuckle.

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