Chapter 49: Bomb (part 1)

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Knock... knock... knock...

Taio Ru and the two apprentices turned to look at the door.

Taio Ru then stood up and headed for the door. He didn't know who might come to visit him at his new office, but he certainly wouldn't be rude and ignore them.


The door opened revealing a normal looking man.

"Can I help you?" Jun De asked.

"Yes I'm from MaoMao Delivery. I have a package addressed to this lab." The man said.

"Does it say who it's for?" Taio Ru asked a little suspicious.

All other packages were sent to the Loading Bay under Researcher Chi's supervision. None should have been arranged to be brought directly to his lab.

"I'm sorry Sir. It only has Lab 73 written on it." The man said apologetically.

"Have it returned to sender. This lab will not accept any packages without a clearly marked recipient's name." Taio Ru said before quickly closing the door behind him.

"Why didn't you accept the package? It could be some of the missing equipment." Apprentice LingYang asked.

"It's suspicious." Taio Ru stated.

He didn't want to suspect someone might send him something dangerous. However, past habits were hard to break.

As a researcher, he often received hate mail. People complaining that what he did was against god, or falsely accusing him of using humans as test subjects, even blaming him for the planets destruction or war. The list of things he'd been blamed for was long and ridiculous.

After being sent letters written in blood or filled with dangerous powders Taio Ru simply stopped accepting them.

Every package or letter he ordered or was sent needed to go through the research lab first. Then, it would be inspected and the sender's information confirmed before it would reach him. The process was slow, but Taio Ru rejected any and all packages that failed to meet his requirements.

Although he had been more lax in this world. Having no problems opening the packages sent to his and Jun De's home. He also accepted the packages full of equipment Researcher Chi prepared without fear.

Even so, he wouldn't accept something as suspicious as a package without the sender and recipient's information brought directly to his door.

Taio Ru and the two apprentices went back to work, quickly forgetting about the strange package.



Jun De could see the Research Centre his body relaxing at the sight when a loud thunderous noise rang out.

His ship shook from the explosion. Jun De quickly steadied the ship his eyes focused on the building ahead.

"Taio Ru!" He shouted. The pain and fear clearly expressed in his voice.

He landed as close as possible to the main entrance. As he jumped out he saw a crowd of people escaping the building.

His only thoughts were for Taio Ru. "Where are you? Taio Ru, my love... I'm coming!" Jun De shouted as he ran against the crowed and headed inside.


"Ugh?!" Taio Ru grimaced as he tried to sit up.

The blast had shaken the entire building. Throwing him and everything else in the room to the floor.

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