Chapter 58: Wedding (part 2)

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With the River ceremony finished Taio Ru and Jun De returned to the change room. Neither spoke as they transformed back to their human forms.

Jun De slowly dried Taio Ru off with the towel. His gaze fixated on the man in front of him; his husband.

Taio Ru gulped. The gentle nature Jun De treated him with filled his heart with warmth. Closing his eyes his mind focused only on his husband's touch.

"We're married. This man is my husband. How strange. All we did was exchange a few words, yet why do I feel so different?" Taio Ru thought as he immersed himself in the moment.

Once dressed, he opened his eyes and began helping Jun De. The movements were a little awkward but Jun De didn't care.

Only one word kept playing in his head over and over again. "My husband."

They stayed in the changing room for a long time, slowly getting dress. Yet, neither had their mind cluttered with lustful thoughts. It was a pure innocent moment.



"Congratulations!" Mianyang said as she set off a party popper. The noise shocked Taio Ru out of his reverie and back to reality.

"Thank you. Is there anything else we need to do?" Jun De asked his hand tightly grasping Taio Ru's.

"No, you are both officially married. Here is your certificate." Mianyang said as she handed them a red booklet. Inside was their information and wedding photo.

"Paper?" Taio Ru was surprised to see a paper document.

"Married couples find a tangible certificate more meaningful than something digital." Mianyang said her kind smile unchanging from the start.

"Thank you." Taio Ru and Jun De said simultaneously.
Jun De then grabbed the certificate and handed it to Taio Ru.

"Let's go home and complete the next part." Jun De said.

"Taio Ru nodded a little nervous, but also excited for the next step.


On the way home they both were silent. They didn't need to talk. Just enjoying each others company.

"Where do you want to do it" Jun De asked.

"We first met in the bamboo forest, or should I say the private garden on your ship. So I was thinking..." Taio Ru said as he looked towards the bamboo forest on the island.

"I have the perfect spot." Jun De said as he walked Taio Ru across the yard.

After walking five minutes they reached a beautiful pavilion located amongst a forest of emerald green bamboo.

"Why don't I remember seeing this place before?" Taio Ru asked.

"You like napping in the lake pavilion, I thought you might like another place to nap. One with a different view." Jun De said as he walked forward.

"It's perfect." Taio Ru said looking around.

Their was a soft large couch with large fluffy pillows and a soft blanket to nap on. The sound of one of those old bamboo rocking fountains was located off to the side. Every minute a soothing knocking sound rang out adding to the serene atmosphere.

"Love." Jun De said pulling out the ring box.

Taio Ru opened the box and pulled out the larger ring.

"Jun De, my husband. I give you this ring as a symbol of our everlasting love. Forever tied to each other. I love you." Taio Ru said. His eyes red with tears threatening to fall. Taio Ru placed the ring on Jun De's left ring finger.

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