Chapter 101: Zerg

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With everything in place Jun De decided to leave the control room and return to his room.

Worried that the stress of the alarms going off might affect Taio Ru negatively. He decided to warn him of the possible danger first and explain what he should do if there was.

Last time they encountered enemy forces, Taio Ru had joined him in the Control Room and watched. This time however, he'd have to stay in the garden where it was safe.

Walking to the room he passed several of his officers rushing by in preparation. Taio Ru had said he was worried about being a nuisance. However Jun De trusted his subordinates and knew they wouldn't mind.

"Marshal, are you heading back to see your husband?" One officer said with a smile.

Jun De nodded and continued on his way. Happy his subordinates showed some concern.

A few minutes later another officer called out. "Marshal, smile. If you don't your babies will cry every time they see you?"

If it was before Taio Ru came into his life none of his subordinates, aside from Laohu would have said anything. He was always thought of as taciturn, strict, and scary.

But after falling in love and expressing that love to everyone on the Star Network. The officers under his purview had begun speaking to him. Not a lot, just a small comment here or there. Even some light teasing about his love for Taio Ru.

At first, Jun De ignored them. But eventually he started to enjoy the little comments. Basking in the joy that his love was recognized by others.

Entering the room, Jun De found Taio Ru exactly where he'd left him; asleep and unmoving. Unsure why, Jun De felt nervous seeing Taio Ru in a deep sleep.

Usually because of Taio Ru's PTSD he'd be a light sleeper especially when they weren't together. Only falling into a deep sleep when Jun De held him or he lay on his chest.

Yet, recently because of the pregnancy he was sleeping like the dead. Waking him took a lot of gentle coaxing.

"Love, wake up. I need to talk to you."

A few minutes passed. Jun De even lifted him up in his palm gently, nudging his head until he woke up.

"Stop." Taio Ru muttered begrudgingly.

"Love, things are going to be a little hectic for awhile. I need you to wake up and listen." Jun De said.

"Groan* I trust you, Bae. Just promise me you'll stay safe." Taio Ru said before promptly curling up and falling back asleep.

Not sure if he wanted to laugh or cry. Jun De placed Taio Ru back on the bed. "I promise. No matter what, we will all be safe." He whispered.


Returning to the control room,  Jun De focused on work. Devising strategies and plans based on possible scenarios. In preparation for the upcoming danger.

"Marshal, the Stargazer has eyes on some suspicious ships. Sending details to your console now."

Jun De transferred his attention to the console observing the images sent to him. The ships were unimpressive. Similar to private ships often seen traveling from planet to planet. But they were far from where they should be.

Staring at the images Jun De felt something off. Not just the fact they were located somewhere far outside the accepted areas. But something else, something more sinister.

"Lieutenant Wuya, have you noticed anything?" He asked. He knew something was wrong, just couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"It doesn't appear to be an ambush. Nor do these ships look suspicious out of context. If it weren't for the location, no one would look twice." Lieutenant Wuya said as he contemplated the images.

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