Chapter 11: Reconnaissance Team

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The next two days progressed relatively smoothly. Jun De and his crew avoided the more heavily guarded areas and continued their investigation.the plan was to investigate, not engage in combat.

On the third day they came across a clue thanks to Taio Ru.

"Jun De what can cause a dead spot on the radar?" Taio Ru asked as he glanced at the monitor.

"Dead spots can be caused by changes in the magnetic field or machinery." Jun De answered looking at the monitor to get a better look at the area Taio Ru had taken note of. It was small but a distinct dead spot would appear and disappear every few minutes in what should be an asteroid field.

Contemplating the significance of the find Jun De made the decision to approach. It was far to subtle to me be a trap, but also strange enough to warrant an investigation.


"Marshal we've located a spaceship further ahead." One of the officers reported as they approached the area.

"Has the craft been identified?" Jun De asked.

"Yes, the data matches our records for the reconnaissance team's ship." The officer continued excited by the discovery.

"Have they responded to our presence or requests for communication?" Jun De asked as he turned to the communications officer.

"No, sir. They seem to be running on low power with a focus on life support only." The communication officer and the adjacent officer concluded.

"Approach with caution. Have teams 1, 5, and 3 on standby in the event of an ambush." Jun De commanded expertly. Although he was confident it wasn't a trap, being prepared for any event was of great importance.

With everyone doing their duty, they approached the spacecraft.

"Send team 1 out." Jun De commanded.

"Yes, sir." Lieutenant Laohu said from inside his mecha at the head of team 1.

Approaching the craft everything went as planned. The launch doors were opened and team 1 entered the spacecraft.

"Sir, there seems to be significant damage to the outside of the ship." One of the officers pointed out from inside of the control room.

"Lieutenant scan for signs of life. This has now become a search and rescue operation." Jun De commanded from over the communication network.

"Understood." Lieutenant Laohu responded as he quickly went to work.


During the investigations they found the reconnaissance team and crew in the emergency stasis pods used to extend life with minimal energy consumption.

"Sure 12 members of the 15 member team have been found. All crew members have also been found, as well." Lieutenant Laohu reported.

"Any signs of the 3 missing team members?" Jun De asked concerned.

"No. From what can be seen, their are also 3 mechas missing as well. It can be assumed that the 3 members were either lost in battle with their mechas or escaped." Lieutenant Laohu said.

"Don't assume anything. Lieutenant Wuya, prepare to restore power to the ship and wake them up from stasis. We will know the faith of the missing members after questioning those who remain on board." Jun De commanded.

The rest of the work went smoothly and the crew and reconnaissance team were successfully woken up from stasis.


"Junny bear! I new you'd come save me!" Yelled a young woman in military clothing as she ran forward. She had a lively appearance with long wavy silver hair. Her eyes slightly upturned at the ends seductively.

The woman's waistline boasted a perfect hourglass with the voluptuous chest and perfectly shaped hips. Looking at her any man would fall, but as she approached two men had the opposite reaction.

"Captain Baihu. Please control yourself." Jun De reprimanded.

"How can you say that, Junny bear? I almost died. This is when your supposed to run up and give me a hug while whispering sweet words." The woman name Captain Baihu said as she pouted.

"Junny bear?" Taio Ru repeated in his head as he squinted his eyes. An unpleasant feeling welling up in his chest.

Jun De also noticed Taio Ru's displeasure as he felt the snake tighten around his wrist uncomfortably.

While Jun De was distracted by Taio Ru, Captain Baihu took the opportunity to throw herself at Jun De. However before she could reach And uh Jun De, Taio Ru reacted fiercely.

"Hiss!" On instinct he hissed loudly and bore his long sharp fangs.

"Kyah! What's that? Junny bear you aren't cheating on me with that." Captain Baihu questioned as she stepped back from Jun De.

"Jun De, who is this woman?" Taio Ru also questioned turning to face Jun add clearly unhappy.

Jun De was unaccustomed to Taio Ru's more fierce appearance and didn't answer in a timely manner. This gave Captain Baihu a chance to speak first.

"This woman! How dare you call me that. I am Captain Baihu, leader of the empire top reconnaissance team and Jun De's fiancé." She proudly said for everyone to hear. Crossing her arms and tilting her head back she looked down at Taio Ru with a smug face.

Taio Ru didn't understand why, but hearing her words anger and disgust filled his chest, his breathing quickened and his body tensed.

"Taio Ru?" Jun De asked noticing Taio Ru's abnormality.

Taio Ru simply glared at Jun De before releasing his grip on his wrist and jumping down to the floor.

Everyone watched in shock. From their perspective the snake had become their Marshal's accessory, never separating from his side.

Taio Ru still didn't quite understand how he felt, but in his anger he simply slithered away as quickly as possible in the direction of Jun De's private garden.

Jun De stood in shock momentarily. He rubbed his wrist a sense of loss filling his heart before deciding to follow his little snake.

"Hey, where are you going, Junny bear?" Captain Baihu shouted shocked by what she had seen. Jin De was never someone to chase others.


Jun De managed to quickly catch up to Taio Ru. Bending down to pick up the slithering snake only to stop abruptly.

"Don't touch me!" Taio Ru said just before Jun De could grab him.

Kneeling down to better speak with Taio Ru, Jun De who felt a sharp pain in his chest looked at the snake and asked, "Taio Ru, what is the problem?"

Taio Ru looked up at Jun De not knowing what to say. So, just like he had chosen to do the first day they met. He was honest.

"I don't know. But that woman, seeing her just makes me feel so angry. Why was she calling intimately? Why did she try to hug you? Is what she said about being your fiancé true? Damn it. Why do I even care about all that shit. Your a man it's not strange for you to have a fiancé or even a wife. I shouldn't even care about any of it...I..." Taio Ru  rambled on only feeling more confused and frustrated.

Jun De listened patiently, he didn't like seeing Taio are so upset, but a small happiness formed in his heart. "Cute." He thought as he looked at the snake struggle to make his feelings and thoughts clear.

Looking around, they were still in the corridor. It wasn't an idea place to speak. So, once more, Jun De each end out to pick up the agitated snake.

This time, Taio are didn't struggle and allowed Jun De to pick him up. "Jun De, why do I care so much about that woman?" He asked desperately.

Jun De didn't say anything. He simply walked forward and brought Taio Ru into their private garden.


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