Chapter 99: Ready to Depart

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The next morning Jun De awoke to find a grumpy Taio Ru sulking in the corner of the crib.

"Love, what's wrong? Was there a problem with the crib?" He asked worried about what could have happened.

"No, the crib was great. I think the babies will love it." He said while still refusing to look at Jun De.

"Love, did I do something wrong?" Jun De ask tentatively thinking maybe he did. Although he had no clue what.

"Are you asking me because you know you did something wrong. Or do you just assume I'm always angry at you when I'm in a bad mood?" Taio Ru asked annoyed.

"No, I just... if I did do something wrong, I'm sorry." Jun De said realizing he was right to assume. But also knowing things would become worse if he said more.

"To apologize when you don't even know what you did, Tch..." Taio Ru scoffed in a poor mood.

"Is he having another mood swing?" Jun de wondered. Taio Ru's mood had been a lot more stable since transforming. But him being pregnant meant mood swings were normal.

"I love you." Jun De whispered as he gently tried to coax Taio Ru out of the corner of the crib.

Taio Ru sunk his head into the cot. His tail wiping the cot hard in anger.

Jun De wanted to take Taio Ru serious, but the scene in front of him made it impossible. "I wonder if the babies will look like this?" He mused.

Stifling a smile, Jun De began poking Taio Ru's little body. Not hard but just enough to piss him off some more.

"Smack* Quit poking me!" Taio Ru snapped finally turning to look at Jun De.

"Love, what did I do?" Jun De asked looking like an abandoned puppy.

Taio Ru nearly blurted out why he was angry. Then he remembered, "F*** I was the one who wanted to sleep in this damn crib! He was supposed to feel lonely and come get me and I would tease him about not being able to go one night alone, or something. Damn it. It wasn't supposed to be like this."

Taio Ru struggled to think of an excuse for his poor attitude. "I... I... uh. I didn't sleep well." Taio Ru said trying not too sound like a jerk.

"If you didn't sleep well, we shouldn't use this crib." Jun De said amused by the guilty look on Taio Ru's face.

"No, the crib is fine. I... I just couldn't get out last night." Taio Ru said truthfully. At night, he had lost his nerve and wanted to sneak back in bed to sleep with Jun De. But he couldn't get out. He was also too embarrassed to call out for help.

In the end, he spent the night in the comfortable crib alone. Growing more upset as the night went on.

"Love, I missed you last night. I honestly had to stop myself several times from going over to get you." Pausing he looked at Taio Ru's expression. Enjoying Taio Ru's mix of emotions that were flashing across his face.

"I also missed you." Taio Ru said awkwardly.

"Love, If I knew you wanted to come to bed with me. I wouldn't have spent the night alone fighting with myself." Jun De said purposefully stressing the point that Taio Ru hadn't said anything.

"Who said you couldn't?" Taio Ru mumbled quietly.

Jun De then picked Taio Ru up and kissed him. "I'll remember I don't need to stop myself next time."


The next few days were a mix of frustration and nerves. They had the doctor help them make a checklist of everything they would need for the babies. Then they tried out all the options to choose the best ones. It was slow and by the end they were both getting short tempered.

Thankfully, they finished and it was time to leave. Looking back at the house as they flew away, Taio Ru couldn't help but feel his heart sink in his chest.

"Love, we'll be back soon and when we do, we'll have three little ones and a new master bedroom." Jun De said.

"I know. I'm just feeling a little off-balance."

Jun De leaned forward and kissed him.


Reaching the ship Taio Ru's body naturally stiffened as he coiled himself into a little ball in Jun De's palm. His eyes vigilantly scanning their surroundings.

"Love, relax. I had everyone take a step back before we arrived. You don't have to worry." Jun De assured him.

"That can't be safe? What if an enemy takes this opportunity while security is weak to do something?" Taio Ru exclaimed even more worried.

"A step back, not leave. Love, they are still here and doing their job. Their job simply includes staying out of sight while we pass. I promise. You are safe and the ship will be safe." Jun De reiterated.

Still uneasy, but having faith in Jun De, Taio Ru no longer complained. He simply watched their surroundings quietly.

Jun De brought Taio Ru directly to their room. Inside looked similar to before. The biggest difference were some extra green plants and a water feature.

"Jun De why did you add a little waterfall and plants?" Taio Ru asked curiously.

"You often slept by the lake or in the bamboo forest. I thought the sound might remind you of those places." Jun De said proudly.

"Won't it be enough to just relax in the garden?" Taio Ru commented.

"The garden has become a nursery. Although it still looks like a relaxing forest, once the babies are born I doubt it will be a relaxing place to stay." Jun De explained his reasoning and Taio Ru had to admit he was probably right.

Beep!... Beep!...

"Love, it's lieutenant Wuya. I need to go over some things before departure. I think it would be best if you stayed here. I promise it's safe. Everyone has been briefed and know not to come here. The only people who can approach are the doctor, lieutenant Wuya, and Officer Laohu. No others. While I'm gone you can take a look around." Jun De said as he gently placed Taio Ru in the bed. A little reluctant to leave.

"I'll be fine. Work hard and be safe." Taio Ru said. He couldn't deny feeling tense, but he couldn't let his PTSD control him forever.

"It's okay. Everyone onboard Jun De trusts. I trust Jun De, so so won't be scared. I won't lose to my PTSD." He chanted to himself.

"I love you. If anything happens contact me immediately. I promise to come."

"I love you, too." Taio Ru said before Jun De left the room.

Finally alone, Taio Ru surveyed his surroundings in more detail. Jun De had put his current needs into consideration with ramps so he could move around safely.

Looking at the room he felt both nostalgic as he recalled first waking up in this world. "Not in a million years would I ever believe I'd he married and pregnant. Being reborn is still believable. But pregnant, impossible." Taio Ru mused as he headed towards the garden.

He looked at where the babies would be and there new cribs and then saw the rock he first arrived on. The one he rolled off of because he could barely control his own body.

Once again laying atop the rock he curled himself up, head pressed light against the babies and fell asleep.


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