Chapter 69: Decision

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Taio Ru didn't wake until the morning. It was the best sleep he'd gotten all week. Unluckily, the joy of a peaceful night's rest was suddenly ended when a wave of nausea hit him.

His sudden move to the bathroom woke the sleeping guests on the first floor.

"I think he's awake now?" The doctor said as he sat up.

Neither he nor Lieutenant Wuya had left. They didn't feel comfortable leaving without speaking with Taio Ru or Jun De first.

"I'll get some water while you check on him." Lieutenant Wuya said.

Walking upstairs he found Taio Ru sitting on the floor in the bathroom looking pale.

"Taio Ru how did you sleep?" The doctor asked.

"You're still here?" Taio Ru asked; surprised to see the doctor.

"We didn't have a chance to discuss your options and what you'll need to do."

Taio Ru looked up at the doctor with a complicated face. He had been trying not to think about the pregnancy.

"I received a message from the marshal. He says you're not sure about going through with the pregnancy. We can talk over the other option."

"I don't know. I want to talk some more with Jun De first." Taio Ru said still feeling uncertain.

"That's understandable. Today though, let's work on getting your nausea under control." The doctor said.

"I'm not really hungry." Taio Ru r marked as he got up off the floor.

"That's a problem. Whether you're hungry or not, you need to eat. I had Lieutenant Wuya order some nutritious foods that are easy on the stomach." The doctor said explained.

"Is there any fruit?" Taio Ru asked. Despite his mishap the day before his heart was still set on fruit.

"There are, but there is no guarantee your stomach can handle it. With pregnancy it's important to understand that likes and dislikes can change." The doctor tried to explain.

"I want to talk with Jun De first." Taio Ru restated. The constant reminder he was pregnant had darkened his mood.

"I'll have Lieutenant Wuya contact him for you." The doctor said understanding how difficult things were for Taio Ru.


Beep!... Beep!...

Not long after Taio Ru lay in bed Jun De called.

"Love, how are you feeling today?" Jun De asked the moment the call connected.

"Is everything okay on your end? You look tired?" Taio Ru asked. Jun De had dark bags under his eyes and seemed unusually disheveled.

"It's fine. I've just been a little busy. What about you Taio Ru? Did you sleep well? What about the nausea?" Jun De asked trying to avoid talking about his night.

They had intercepted two enemy ambushes. It was great how their efforts helped turn the tide in the Empire's favour. But it also meant Jun De didn't have a chance to rest.

He only managed to leave the control room temporarily. Their ship was now on route to another location because they had intercepted a message. It had exposed plans for another attack that was located two hours away.

"Do you have time to talk? If not it can wait until tonight." Taio Ru was more docile and hesitant than usual.

"Love, I can talk. I wouldn't have called if I couldn't."

"That is, I was thinking about what you said last night. I know I fell asleep, but what I did hear keeps playing in my head." Taio Ru decided to get to the point.

"Have you made a decision?"

"No. I feel like my emotions are getting in the way. Making a decision based on emotions alone is ridiculous. But when I try to think of the pros and cons I find myself thinking about other things... In the end, I just keep going around in circles." Taio Ru explained.

"I think you're asking the impossible if you want to make this decision without considering your emotions. But I also understand wanting to consider the pros and cons. Do you want to do it together?" Jun De said.

"Okay than you start. What's a pro to having this baby?"

"I love you. We love each other and this baby is a part of both of us." Jun De stated.

"Neither of us know how to raise a child. Con." Taio Ru countered.

"Pro, neither of us had the most loving family. With this child we can have the typical loving family we didn't."

"Con, babies are a lot of work."

"You can learn and discover new things about this world along with the baby. Pro."

"Can't I learn without the baby as well?" Taio Ru questioned Jun De's point.

"You can, but I often miss things because they are common sense to me. But with the baby you can learn everything from square one." Jun De said in defence.

"Con, being pregnant feels awful. I'm sick and tired and this is only the beginning." Taio Ru said unhappily.

"Terminating the pregnancy can sometimes be harmful. Pro."

"Jun De you keep adding Pros."

"You keep adding Cons. Love, if you don't want to have this baby that's fine. I will support whatever decision you make." Jun De said in a soothing voice.

"Pro, it doesn't feel right to kill our baby." Taio Ru suddenly said.

"Con, I'm not by your side, right now." Jun De said following Taio Ru's lead.

"Sniffle* Pro, I had a dream last night of you and the baby. We were walking in the bamboo forest together."

Taio Ru was finding it harder to stay composed as tears began flowing down his face uncontrollably.

"Con, we've been married for less than a month. Our honeymoon period won't be as romantic." Jun De said. His words hinting at a more sensitive problem.

"Didn't we spend an entire month alone together? And you aren't even here right now." Taio Ru pointed out. The corner of his lip raised in a smile. His tears now dry.

"Love, we are both still young. Whether we have a baby now, in a few years, or never, it doesn't matter. What's important is that we are together." Jun De said.

"Is that supposed to be a Pro or a Con?"

"Neither, I just love you."

"Pro, I love you, too."

"Love, has this helped in anyway?" Jun De asked. He enjoyed their chat, but it was pointless if a decision couldn't be made.

"Going over the list, it seems stupid to keep the baby. I mean all the logical points are for the con side. While the pro side is full of emotion." Taio Ru said his mood dark.

"I think you've already made your decision? Sometimes what you feel is more important than what you know.
I've been a soldier for many years. I strategize and try to act based on the information given. Even so, sometimes it pays to trust my gut. To rely on instinct and emotion rather than logic and plans." Jun De said.

"What if it turns out to be the wrong decision?" Taio Ru asked still doubtful.

"Love, wrong or not, we will get through it together. I promise."

"So if I said I want to keep the baby, you won't object?" Taio Ru cautiously asked.

"Love, I'm happy as long as I have you. The baby is just a bonus." Jun De reassured him.

WiiiOooo!* 🚨

"Tch!... sorry love, I need to go." Jun De said despising the sound of the alarm.

"It's okay. You have work to do." Taio Ru tried to hide his disappointment, but failed miserably.

"Baby, I'll call you back tonight. Today just focus on rest and make sure you eat something. I love you." Jun De said.

"I love you, too. Be safe." Taio Ru answered back.


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