Chapter 93: Change in Behaviour

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Taio Ru's days continued without much change. Despite Jun De's worries.

"Jun De!" Taio Ru exclaimed.

Hearing Taio Ru's shout Jun De jumped up and ran over from across the lab. He had been so worried he added a desk for himself in Taio Ru's lab just in case something happened.

"What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?!" He asked in a panic.

"Look! Isn't it perfect?" Taio Ru said his eyes shinning.

"What?" Jun De asked. He had no clue what made Taio Ru so excited.

"Little Sun SS, isn't it beautiful?" Taio Ru reiterated.

Jun De could only stare at him confused by the statement.

"Why are you staring at me. Look I finished building Little Sun SS. Doesn't it look beautiful? These perfectly placed parts. The way they glisten in the light. The wires that will soon transport energy throughout it and bring it to life." Taio Ru began praising his invention.

"I don't quite understand, but it sounds like he finished putting the parts together." Jun De concluded as he watched Taio Ru move about.

He had seen Taio Ru get excited each time a new part arrived or was installed. However it was still shocking to watch him dance around pointing and commenting on the different sections.

"Love, it looks amazing. But please slow down. You'll fall if you keep hoping around." Jun De said as he reached out to embrace Taio Ru.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I got a bit to excited." Taio Ru said as he tried to catch his breath.

Have a seat and you can slowly explain everything. Jun De said as he pulled a comfortable rolling chair over. He had bought the chair for Taio Ru because it boasted a strong sturdy frame with soft cushions.

Sitting down unfortunately didn't calm Taio Ru. He wiggled and twisted around in the chair as he continued explaining Little Sun SS to Jun De. Often rolling here and there to show the different areas.

Jun De could only chase him around the lab in a panic each time.


Eventually, Taio ran out of energy and sat quietly in his chair.

"Love?" Jun De asked worried by the long silence.

"Jun De, last time I barely managed to finish Little Sun before dying. At the time, I was so tired. Barely five minutes passed after the last part was added that the Head of the Research lab came in. He praised me for successfully building Little Sun." Taio Ru paused and closed his eyes solemnly.

"Before I could sit to admire my work he whisked me off for another damn meeting. Demanding to know when it would be up and running. Showing off images of the fully constructed Little Sun without understanding what any of it did." Taio Ru's eyes grew red.

Jun De rolled Taio Ru over and hugged him tight. "This Little Sun SS is all yours. Build it, stare at it, store it, destroy it. Whatever you want. It belongs to you." Jun De whispered.

Hearing Jun De's words Taio Ru couldn't help but cry. As he snuggled into Jun De's arms.


At night Taio Ru dreamt he was back in his old research lab. He had just finished work on Little Sun and turned it on. The sound of it humming filled the room.

Taio Ru turned to show Jun De.


No one. He once again found himself all alone in his lab. The same as the first time Little Sun was successfully powered on. "

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