Chapter 39: First Date (part 2)

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"Love, how about we go in?" Jun De said looking at the time.

As they got out of the car, Jun De stayed close to Taio Ru. Their didn't seem to be anyone nearby, but as they got closer to the restaurant Taio Ru could here people chatting.

Feeling a little tense, Taio Ru took a step closer to Jun De. His eyes focused on the waiter heading in their direction.

"Good evening. How may I help you?" The waiter asked politely.

"I have a reservation under Xiongmao." Jun De said with practiced ease.

The waiter quickly checked his tablet before leading them towards a private pavilion in the garden. As they walked they passed several tables full of couples enjoying dinner. While waiters walked around with trays of food and drinks. A soft music playing in the background.

Unfortunately, for Taio Ru. The soothing music wasn't enough to calm him down. "They aren't soldiers. They have no idea who I am. Jun De is next to me. Everything is fine." Taio Ru kept telling himself while they walked towards the pavilion.

Taio Ru grabbed Jun De's hand and squeezed hard. Jun De remained quiet and let him squeeze as hard as he wanted as they walked through the open dining area.

While Jun De's eyes were focused on Taio Ru. Everyone else in the dining hall's eyes were on him.

[Hey, isn't that Marshal Xiongmao?]

[No way. I heard he hates being touched by others.

[It must be, who else do you know looks like that?]

[Whose that guy he's holding hands with? I've never seen him before.]

[ I don't know, but he looks stunning with that hair of his.]

Reaching the pavilion. Jun De turned to the waiter. "Could you give us some time?"

"Certainly, here is our menu. Please press this button when you are ready to order." He said before quickly leaving again.

Finally alone, Jun De knelt down next to Taio Ru. "Love, how are you feeling? Should we stay?" Jun De asked.

"I'm fine. I just need a minute." Taio Tu said closing his eyes and focusing on his breathing.

"My love, he is suffering yet all I can do is sit here and watch." Jun De thought as he watched Taio Ru calm himself.

They sat quietly ten minutes before Taio Ru opened his eyes again. His breath calm and even.

Jun De passed him the menu. "They offer several fresh fruit. Choose whatever you want. They also have freshly squeezed fruit juice."

"Are there any I haven't tried yet?" Taio Ru asked.

"A few." Jun De said as he started pointing out a few options on the menu.

Taio Ru didn't have to think hard about his choice. He had not intention to choose anything other than fruit.

When the waiter returned, Taio Ru felt tense again. However, it wasn't as bad as when they entered the restaurant. With Jun De's support he quickly calmed down.

"Why is he so cute when he eats?" Jun n De thought as he looked lovingly at Taio Ru

"How's the fruit?" Jun De asked. With a slight chuckle.

"I like this pink one, but the green one tastes really sour." Taio Ru said frowning as he pushed it around on the plate.

"You don't have to eat it if you don't like it. We can also order some more of the pink ones if your still hungry." Jun De said.

"No, I'm full. Jun De could you tell me more about the researcher I'll be working with?" Taio Ru asked.

"Rather than talk about work. I'd prefer to talk about you." Jun De said.

"Me? What do you want to know?" Taio Ru asked unsure why.

"Anything, everything. Just talk." Jun De said.

"Well, there's nothing special about me. I spent all my life either at school or in a lab. It was boring." Taio Ru said.

"Since, you didn't have an exciting life previously. Then, tell me what kind of life you want now?" Jun De said.

"I don't need an exciting life. I just want to be able to live freely. The kind where I can sleep when I want, eat what I want, and be with you." Taio Ru said blushing.

"Love, I also want us to be together." Jun De said grabbing Taio Ru's hand, his ears a little pink.

"This moment is perfect." Jun De thought. Leaning closer to kiss Taio Ru.

"Hey Xiongmao, Jun De Xiongmao. Is that you? Haven't seen you in years. Shouldn't you be out fighting those pirates?" A man said walking up with a woman.

Jun De glared at the man. "We are having a private meal. Leave." Jun De stated.

"Every time the mood is good people interrupt us." Jun De thought.

"Is it a date? My brother told me marshal Xiongmao had gotten a lover." The woman said stepping towards Taio Ru.

"Leave." Jun De repeated standing up and stepping between them and Taio Ru. His body emitting a strong aura.

"Hey, relax. We only wanted to say hi." The man said feeling offended.

"I said leave." Jun De repeated one last time fiercely glaring at the two of them.

"Tch... whatever. We're leaving." The man said pulling the woman away with him.

"Who does he think he is treating us like that? Just because he's from the Xiongmao family, he thinks he can treat us like that. Honey, you can't let him get away with this." The woman said as they walked away.

"Don't worry. We can't do anything but prince Xiuque can." the man said as they left. In the shadowy dark, he pulled up his bracelet's interface.


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