Chapter 77: Late Night Walk

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Both Jun De and Taio Ru slept till 22:00. Jun De wouldn't admit it, but while apart from Taio Ru, even when he had time, he could barely rest well. Most nights he found himself waking up feeling as though something was missing. Other nights, he lay in bed worrying about Taio Ru.

The lack of sleep and injuries thoroughly exhausted his body and mind. Barely a minute passed before Jun De fell into a deep sleep after climbing into bed with Taio Ru.

As for Taio Ru, he had been getting plenty of sleep, but none was as satisfying as when he was in Jun De's warm embrace.

At 22:00, Taio Ru woke up first. Intoxicated by the warmth he lay there is eyes half open in a daze. It would be another minute or two before his mind caught up. Realizing he was sleeping in his missing husbands arms.


Eyes wide open, Taio Ru stared up at the sleeping Jun De. "Home. He's finally home." Taio Ru muttered softly. His eyes red. He lay there basking in the joy of seeing his husband.

"Ugh!" The sweet moment was suddenly cut short by Taio Ru's dreaded nausea. Unable to hold it in Taio Ru rolled out of bed. Failing to do so quietly, Jun De was awakened by the movement.

"Love?!" He called out as he watched Taio Ru slip into the bathroom.

Jun De quickly followed behind. Raising his hand to knock, the sound of Taio Ru vomiting could be heard through the door. Hearing the noise, Jun hesitated a moment before entering the bathroom. He walked over to Taio Ru and gently began to rub his back.

He didn't know what to say. It wasn't the first and definitely wouldn't be the last time he saw Taio Ru vomit. When Taio Ru finally stopped, with a face red from embarrassment he looked over at Jun De.

"Love, what do you need?" Jun De asked his voice soft and sweet.

Taio Ru didn't say a word. He simple wrapped his arms around Jun De's waist. Jun De stifled a groan. His injuries hadn't completely recovered. The sudden impact from the hug was a little painful physically, but it was worth it in Jun De's mind.

After enjoying Jun De's embrace, Taio Ru brushed his teeth. All the while feeling shy. Jun De didn't leave his side the entire time. He watched Taio Ru's every move, ready to help at any moment.

After cleaning up they walked out of the bathroom and sat on the couch to talk.

"Jun De, what about work?" Taio Ru solemnly asked. He was happy Jun de was home, but he couldn't forget why he was gone in the first place.

"It's going to be a little busy, but I can take care of most of it from here at home. Love, don't worry. I have no intention to leave your side anytime soon." Jun De promised. As he moved closer to Taio Ru.

Taio Looked at Jun De a little skeptical. But if what he said were true he couldn't be happier.

"Love, it's late, but you haven't eaten anything since before I arrived in the afternoon. You should eat something. Maybe even get an IV?"

"I don't need an IV. But I should eat something. You also need to eat. Let's eat together." Taio Ru awkwardly suggested.

They might have only been apart for less than two months, but Taio Ru couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Jun De was also a nervous, less because they hadn't been together in awhile, but more because he didn't want to make a mistake.

He had read the reports and the books the doctor sent him, but facing the pregnant Taio Ru left him feeling unsure and nervous.

With both feeling a little awkward they went downstairs to eat. The household kitchen robot had preset meals for Taio Ru's new preferences. Jun De had no preference so he was willing to eat the same as Taio Ru.

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