Chapter 76: I'm Home

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Taio Ru couldn't help but cry when he read the report. He cried, but was also bitter and angry.

"Love, stop reading the report. Listen to me. I'm fine. I'm safe. A little beat up, but I'm still in one piece and I'll be home soon." Jun De started saying everything he could think of to comfort the crying Taio Ru.

"You died!" Taio Ru exclaimed bitterly.

Surprised Jun De stuttered trying to deny the claim. ", I didn't die. Look I'm alive. I'm right here."

"0.05. That's how close you came to dying. 5 seconds and I never would have seen you again! For 5 seconds you could do nothing, just stay there and wait to die. Someone literally had to pull you to safety!" Taio Ru was more than just a little upset . His emotions were all over the place.

The sadness when he thought Jun De almost died. The anger he felt because Jun De had gone out to fight. The happiness that Jun De survived and would be coming home. Along with bitterness, guilt, pain, and more.

All these emotions combined sent Taio Ru into a panic attack. Barely breathing he grasped his chest.

"Love! Hold on love. Everything is going to be okay." Jun De shouted as he quickly messaged the doctor.

Receiving the message the doctor quickly ran up the stairs once more and began helping Taio Ru. With panic attacks trying to calm the individual and get their breathing under control was key.

The doctor pulled out a mask and had Taio Ru breath into it. "Breath, like me ready. Breath in... breath out... breath in... breath out..."

"Love, it will be okay. I love you. Taio Ru, I love you." Jun De could only repeat the same things. The remorse and guilt he felt was far more painful than his injuries.

Eventually Taio are got his breathing under control, but the panic attack left him exhausted and nauseous.

Jun De watched as the doctor helped tuck Taio Ru under the blankets.

"Marshal, I think it would be best if you called back at another time. Taio Ru needs to get some rest." The doctor cautiously advised.

Jun De didn't want to hang up. But he knew the doctor was correct. "Doctor, inform me of any changes. Taio Ru, my love, get some rest and I will talk to you later. I love you."

"I love you, too. Be safe." Taio Ru whispered his voice muffled by the blanket.


The next few days passed quickly. Jun De was unstoppable, clearing all his work and flying full speed back to Capital Star. The 8 day travel, cut down to five due to flying full speed directly home.

His Zenith Warship was known as the fastest ship in the Empire. This meant, when traveling full speed no other ship could catch up.

With that being said, when they encountered enemy pirate ships along the way. Jun De simply relayed the information to the nearest military ship and kept going. Not even pausing for a moment.

"Sir we should arrive at Capital Star tomorrow afternoon." An officer reported.

Jun De looked up from his desk. "I'll be home soon my love. Soon" he thought. Presently, this thought was all that mattered to him.

Since Taio Ru's panic attack, their conversations had been brief. Jun De didn't want to stress Taio Ru out more than necessary. Neither discussing anything too serious nor for too long. He quickly made his way home.

Taio Ru on the other hand wasn't feeling to enthusiastic either. Despite being pregnant rather than gain weight he was visibly losing it. His morning sickness and fatigue had gotten worse. Causing him to spend more time in bed than out of it.

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