Chapter 86: Arrest

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In the vehicle, Taio Ru remained cradled in Jun De's palm. His body coiled in a circle around the bulge. Tears had made Jun De's palm wet and stabbed at his heart.

"What do you need, love? Is it painful?" Jun De whispered as he raised his hand intending to gently run his fingers across Taio Ru's body like he had done many times before.


Without thought Taio Ru bared his teeth once more and hissed. Jun De quickly moved his hand away.

"Sorry, I... sniff*... I don't know why I did that?!" Taio Ru mumbled.

"Love, don't apologize. You're in your beast form right now. It's difficult to control your instincts. Until the doctor comes we need to focus on controlling your breathing and calming down. It will be okay, Love." Jun De comforted.

"My love is in pain and I can't do anything." He thought as he continued gently holding his trembling husband.

Ten minutes later Jun De stopped the vehicle. "Where?" Taio Ru asked. His vigilance and anxiety high.

"The doctor is just outside. We are transferring to his mobile medical bay so he can start treating you immediately." Jun De said.

"Marshal!" The doctor called out when he saw him.
"Where is Taio Ru?" He asked, not having seen Taio Ru's small body.

Jun De looked down at his slightly cupped palm. Noticing his gaze the doctor soon saw Taio Ru.

"Come inside and I will take a look." He said. Jun De didn't waste a second and quickly walked in.

"Place him in the table so I can get a better look." The doctor ordered once inside.

Jun De proceeded to follow the doctor's instructions but when he tried tipping his hand to gentle place Taio Ru on the table he was met with resistance.

The tip of Taio Ru's tail quickly wrapped around his thumb and squeezed tight. The tip of his thumb quickly turned a bloodless white.

"Taio Ru, my Love. The doctor needs to examine you. Please, let go." Jun De said. Taio Ru however refused to let go or speak.

"I'm not going to leave. Just place you on the table. I'll stay right here." Jun De continued coaxing.

"Don't let me go." Taio Ru mumbled softly. He didn't know why, but he felt an intense dread at the thought of separating from Jun De.

Jun De looked up at the doctor for some help.

"It's fine. But Jun De, I'll need you to open your palm so I can get a good look at Taio Ru." The doctor said.

Jun De placed his hand flat on the table exposing Taio Ru.

Taio Ru's body coiled tighter and a low hiss could be heard the moment the doctor stepped close.

Taio Ru's mind once again went blank his actions uncontrollable.

"Doctor wait. He might try to bite you if you approach." Jun De warned. He himself was worried of being bitten.

"The anxiety caused by the PTSD, being in his beast form, and the pregnancy have led to a very dangerous situation. It's not surprising he is acting in this way." The doctor said calmly.

Jun De was impressed by how calm the doctor was when faced with Taio Ru's dangerous behaviour. Only to soon furrow his brow in discontent.

The doctor had grabbed a long pair of medical tongs. "Don't be upset. It may seem cruel and maybe degrading but I need to get a better look at Taio Ru's stomach and the egg." The doctor said in his defence as he brought the tongs close.

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