Chapter 32: Taio Ru's Day

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Beep!... Beep!... Beep!...

Taio Ru woke up with a start, a loud beeping sound rang next to him. "What the hell?" Taio Ru said grimacing at the sight of a robot.

The robots were different then expected. He always imagined the humanoid robots often depicted in movies. Unlike movies though these robots had a more practical appearance. They were basically a rectangular box that things could be attached to or would come out of.

It wasn't limited to two arms and legs. Some had six "arms" or a trolly at the base to carry heavy boxes. Some even had heat lamps or microwave devices for food.

The robot currently beeping at Taio Ru was a kind of meal prep robot. It was carrying a plate of food under a heating shelf  and some fruit under what could be described as a cooling shelf.

"Wait didn't Jun De set the robot to bring me lunch at noon? Is it already noon?" Taio Ru questioned as he looked around. He was still in the lakeside pavilion with the sun shining high in the sky and a cool breeze flowing through the air.

"I must have fallen asleep." Taio Ru wasn't too worried about falling asleep. He'd already decided long ago, even when he started working again he would never do an all-nighter or work until exhaustion.

"Naps and a full night's sleep are my new religion." Taio Ru decided. Before bringing his attention back to the robot next to him.

Looking at the food Taio Ru was a little disappointed. Usually he preferred to eat a 7-2-1 ratio. 7 being fruit, 2 for meat, and 1 for vegetables. Although that's what he preferred Jun De had the robot prepare something different. More than half the plate was filled with vegetables and the other was meat. With a small dessert plate of fruit on the side.

"It's not enough fruit. Did he do this to annoy me or maybe he's mad at me for something?" Taio Ru thought as he looked at the food. Using the fork he slowly picked at the vegetables and meat not quite interested in it.

"It's delicious, but fruit is so much better. I'd be happier with just the fruit." Taio Ru said as he finished eating. He'd left more than half of the meat and vegetables and only finished the fruit plate.


After lunch Taio Ru decided to take a bath. His new clothes had been delivered and he had all afternoon before Jun De would come home to soak.

"Feels so good!" Taio Ru exclaimed as he leaned over the side of the tub. The water was just right. Not too hot he'd feel dizzy, but also not too cold, either.

Humming a little song he opened the bracelet's interface and began reading the books Jun De had loaded for him. "It's great not to have to worry about my books or computer getting wet in the bath. Back at my old place I specifically asked them to put in a deep soaker tub. It was nice to soak in when I had the chance. Not that I had many chances the last year or two of my life." Taio Ru thought reminiscing about the past.

"Forget it! That's in the past. Now I have this bath, that's twice the size of my old one and no one to rush me." Taio Ru exclaimed loudly shaking his head.

Refocused Taio Ru started studying once more. When he studied he would often become numb to the world around him. Not noticing that while in the bath, Jun De had returned home and was calling out for him.

"Love? I'm home!" Jun De called out.

Not hearing an answer he called out a few more times as he walked around the first and second floor. Finally noticing the bathroom door was closed.

Knock... knock...*

"Love are you in there?" Jun De asked.


With no answer he gave the doorknob a try. "Why is it locked, if he isn't in there?" He wondered becoming a little worried. Jun De knocked again. This time a little louder.

Knock!... knock!...*

"Love, if you're in there please say something." Jun De asked.


Still not getting an answer Jun De decided to unlock it himself with the master key.

"Love, I'm coming in." He said cautiously as he pushed the door open revealing a bathroom full of warm steam.

Stepping further in he could see Taio Ru leaning over the edge of the tub as he looks over the bracelet's interface. One foot poking out of the water as it swayed rhythmically. The rest of his body was submerged in the water, only revealing the thin white nape of his neck and smooth back.

Jun De froze. "Not good! Why does he look so tempting?" Jun De inwardly panicked as he raised his hand to cover his nose and turned away.

"Love! Is everything okay?" He asked once more.


Taio Ru once again didn't seem to notice him. He'd seen Taio Ru like this multiple times before. Usually when he was studying are looking at something interesting. Taio Ru would ignore everything around him. Seeing Taio Ru's current state,  Jun De's panic levels fell drastically.

Now that he was calmer, from the corner of his eye he peeked at the naked Taio Ru. "I don't understand, why am I so attracted to him? Is it because I love him I naturally want to hold him?" As he looked at his lover lazily soaking in the tub he couldn't help but gulp.

"Not good. I need to leave before I do something he won't like." Jun De thought as he quickly turned around and left the bathroom.



Taio Ru suddenly sneezed as a chill travelled down his spine. He'd been soaking in the bath so long the water had cooled.

Looking out the time at the corner of the interface he saw that 3 hours had passed since he first entered the tub. "I should get out. Jun De said he'd be home before dinner." He thought as he lifted his body out of the tub.

After cleaning up he stepped out of the bathroom in a new light gray long sleeved shirt and dark blue pants. The shirt felt nice and soft against his skin. It was similar to Earth's cashmere. His pants were also on the softer side, but not like sweatpants. Closer to a cotton blend. Overall giving him a very relaxed comfortable outfit.

"These are perfect for lounging around the house in the evening." Taio Ru thought satisfied by his purchase.

"Love, have you finished your bath?" Jun De called out from the couch not far away.

"Hyah!" Taio Ru screamed upon hearing Jun De speak.

He hadn't noticed him in the room. Suddenly hearing someone speak next to him Taio Ru was shocked enough to scream.

"Love, it's okay it's just me.I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Jun De said regretting what he'd done.

"Jun De? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Taio Ru complained one hand on his chest. He was actually more surprised than scared. Which was strange because he'd been suffering from PTSD symptoms since the incident on the ship.

Jun De cautiously approached a look of guilt on his face. "Love can I hug you?" He asked. If Taio Ru was in his snake form Jun De would have picked him up without hesitation. However, while Taio Ru is in his human form he was more conscience of his actions and didn't want to make Taio Ru feel uncomfortable.

Rather than answer Jun De's question, Taio Fu actively leaned into Jun De's broad chest. Taking a deep breath. "It smells good." Taio Ru though as he snuggled up closer.

As Taio Ru made himself comfortable, Jun De let out a sigh of relief. Glad Taio Ru wasn't having another panic attack because of his thoughtless actions.

"Love, how are you feeling?" Jun De asked placing his arms around his little lover.

"I'm fine, but don't do it again." Taio Ru muttered his voice difficult to hear as he dug his face into Jun De's chest.

"So cute!" Jun De thought, wanting to lift his cute little lover up in his arms and carry him straight to bed. But he endured the temptation and instead hugged him tight.


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