Chapter 17: Injury

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"Marshal, what is going on?" Lieutenant Laohu shouted after entering the mecha bay with Lieutenant Wuya following behind.

"These bastards dared to undermine my authority. Locked them all up!" Jun De shouted his chest still heaving in anger.

"Marshal, what should we do with Captain Baihu and the other crew members?" Lieutenant Wuya asked. He had already noticed how everyone present wore the reconnaissance teams uniform.

"I said lock them all up." Jun De repeated his voice deep.

With the attackers taken care of Jun De set his sight on his mecha's knee joint. He remembered how they had been surrounding it with tools.

"Taio Ru, love? It's me. It's okay now. You can come out." Jun De said in a gentle voice.

But nothing happened.

"Love, please come out. I promise it's safe now." Jun De continued to coax.

Still not receiving a response, Jun De's face went pale. "Could he have gotten hurt? Is he unable to move or talk?" He thought panic filling his heart.

"Love, please say something. You're scaring me." Jun De begged as he placed his ear against the mecha joint. He was desperate to hear something anything.

"I... I can't..."

From inside Jun De could hear a very soft whisper.

"Hold on love, I'll get you out." Jun De immediately said before turning around to grab the nearest tools.

The previous attackers had already loosened the joint pieces. In very little time Jun De had removed the outer armour revealing the tip of Taio Ru's tail.

"Love." Jun De said a she reached out and touched Taio Ru's tail.


Feeling the touch, Taio Ru pulled his tail in tight.

"Love, it's okay. It's just me. Can you try to come out?" Jun De asked as he lowered his head.

Looking into Taio Ru's hiding spot his heart fell. In the darkness he could just barely see Taio Ru shaking as he curled up as tight as possible in the small space.

"Love, I'm right here. Just reach out a little and I'll do the rest." Jun De gently whispered.

A slight glint of light shined from inside when Taio Ru opened his eyes.

"I'm not a fighter. I... I'm just a researcher." Taio Ru whimpered.

"I understand love. It's my fault. I won't let anything like this happen again." Jun De promised.

Taio Ru slowly moved his body out of the small space, groaning as he did from the pain.

Reaching out his palm Jun De grabbed Taio Ru and helped him. Seeing the burn on his once beautiful tail he felt like killing the perpetrators.

"Love, I'll bring you to the medical bay quickly." Jun De said.

Taio Ru looked up, but before he could say anything Taio Ru noticed movement from the side. In a panic, he dove under Jun De's sleeve shaking in fright.

Jun De glared at lieutenant Wuya who appeared at his side.

"Why aren't you dealing with those criminals?" He snarled angrily.

"I'm sorry Marshal. But I've asked the doctor to come and take a look at Taio Ru's condition." Lieutenant Wuya said directing Jun De's attention to the doctor standing further back.

Jun De looked back at the doctor who had come quickly. Satisfied he nodded and let the doctor approach.

"Love, the doctor is here. He needs to look at your injury." Jun De said as he gently lifted his sleeve.

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