Chapter 8: Suspicious

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Entering the control room Jun De quickly moved towards his seat. Waiting for him was lieutenant Wuya. Who upon seeing Taio Ru revealed a glint of distrust in his eye.

This momentary slip from the lieutenant did not escape Jun De's sight, but he chose to ignore it. As long as the lieutenant did not act in a malicious way towards Taio Ru, he would have no cause to reprimand him for his vigilance.

"Marshal, we've noticed a mass of debris a short distance away from our current path. Military code says we should investigate all debris masses. However as we are currently on a time sensitive mission." Lieutenant Wuya said.

"We will investigate the debris mass. However set the ship's alert system to level two. The possibility that this is a trap are high." Jun De commanded.

Taio Ru was preoccupied looking out the wall to ceiling window in front showing the view of space.

"It's a lot darker than I imagined." Taio Ru thought as he stared out into the vast darkness of space. There were stars visible and what looked like asteroid or space debris moving further away. However overall, it was emptiness. A cold endless emptiness.

Jun De looked down at Taio Ru on his wrist. The snake simply stared at the view in front unmoving. His tail swaying faster and in a circular pattern.

"Is he happy looking out the window?" Jun De thought as he took note of the little snake's movements.

"Marshal how should we proceed with the investigation?" Lieutenant Wuya said abruptly and a little louder than previously.

"Follow normal procedure. We don't want to alert any possible enemies. Have team's 2, 5, and 4 on standby in the launch bay. Team 1 will replace team 7 and investigate the debris.
Lieutenant Laohu, you will accompany team 1 in your mecha. Stay vigilant. If anything appears suspicious take action." Jun De succinctly and expertly explained what needed to be done.

"Yes, Sir!" Lieutenant Laohu said a grin appearing at the corner of his mouth that would send chills down the back of even the strongest men.

The orders had been given. Without any delay everyone present moved efficiently and quickly. The only exception was lieutenant Wuya who continued to stare at Taio Ru.

"What's his problem?" Taio Ru thought, noticing the stare.

"Jun De it seems your lieutenant is confused." Taio Ru said displeased.

"Lieutenant Wuya, why have you not left to prepare?" Jun De questioned his voice stern.

"Marshal, do you think it is wise for this unknown guest to be present during the following operations?" Lieutenant Wuya questioned.

"How disappointing. Jun De your staff seems to doubt your judgement." Tao Ru said looking at the lieutenant directly for the first time.

He normally wouldn't have bothered with the lieutenant's behaviour. However the Marshal had just given orders and the crew was on high alert. Yet, the lieutenant continued to be more concerned with his presence and actually dared to question his commanding officer's judgement.

"I have full trust in the Marshal's prowess." Lieutenant Wuya said angrily looking at Taio Ru.

"Then why do you persist on focusing on me despite your Marshal already telling you repeatedly he had it under control? I can only assume you either do not trust in his words or you believe your own judgement is superior." Taio Ru said in return becoming more agitated.

He had faced many people like him, because he was young. Colleagues, peers, teachers, fellow researchers, even his parents would agree to his opinion or conclusions at his face then turn around and try every method to disprove him.

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