Chapter 95: Repeat of the Past (almost)

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The doctor continued the examination. The exam itself taking longer than previously now that he could view the babies inside.

"Judging by their size and development, I'd estimate your due date to be in 5 weeks." The doctor finally concluded.

"What am I supposed to do for the next 5 weeks?" Taio Ru asked.

"We need to build a new house." Jun De suddenly added.

He had been considering it for awhile, after all the open floor plan left little privacy. He originally contemplated changing the office into the baby's room. Now, with three on the way they'd need something much larger.

"Why? They are so tiny, you could stick them in a drawer or a tank and it would be sufficient." Taio Ru said.

"Love, they may be small now, but they will grow big sooner than we think. They will each need their own beds and a playroom. Beastman can be very independent from birth." Jun De explained. He had been reading many books about child rearing.

At the same time, he noted the idea to have a tank. "Something with a heat lamp might be nice to keep them warm. Taio Ru often gets cold when sleeping alone. I think I read about special beds available for reptile clans..."

"We don't need to change the house. I like our house." Taio Ru said feeling downhearted. Taio Ru had started thinking of the house as his home. Not just a place to occasionally sleep. He didn't want to change it.

"What if we add a third floor? We change the top floor into our new master bedroom. The second floor becomes the children's, and the first stays the same." Jun De suggested.

He had requested designs for a completely new house. Despite that, hearing Taio Ru say he loved their current home made him change his plans without a second thought.

"How do we change the second floor into 3 bedrooms?" Taio Ru wondered. Not entirely opposed to the idea, but still unhappy about changing rooms.

"We don't need to change anything. The office will become the babies study, the sitting area will become a play area, and we switch our bed for three smaller ones."

"How is that giving them their own rooms?" Taio Ru asked doubtful of the plan.

"They're still young. Sleeping together is fine. When they want more privacy we can add partitions. What I meant by privacy was our privacy. We can add a door so they can't access the third floor. Our room."

Taio Ru wasn't as opposed to the idea as much as he was originally. "The view from the third floor would be better than the second?" He mused.

"Okay. But I want it all windows. A 360° view of the property." Taio Ru said. A request he would later regret.


After the initial panic and excitement abated, Taio Ru couldn't help but yawn as he listened to the doctor's instructions.

"Taio Ru, please remember to move carefully. The babies are no longer protected by a hard egg shell. You also need to move using your body as a snake. Jumping from a high place or moving over long distances could potentially harm them." The doctor lectured.

Jun De sat and diligently took notes. While Taio Ru fought to keep his eyes open.

"Love, if your tired go to sleep. I'll explain everything again later." Jun De said with concern.

Nodding Taio Ru slithered over intent on curling up on Jun De's wrist.

"Love, I don't think it's safe to wrap yourself around my wrist." Jun de said pulling away out of Taio Ru's reach.

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