Chapter 23: Recollection

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Throughout the meeting Taio Ru remained hidden under Jun De's sleeve. When lieutenant Laohu raised his voice or a fourth person entered to room, Taio Ru would become agitated.

His body tensed and he would hold his breath surveying what was going on. The fear filling his mind. Seconds would pass. Jun De would pander to his unease and attempt to soothe his anxiety. Reminding Lieutenant Laohu to mind his voice or behaviour.

If a fourth person entered the room he would have them quickly leave after giving their report. Any reason Taio Ru might flinch or feel stressed would be noticed by Jun De and quickly dealt with.

By the end of the meeting, Taio Ru felt exhausted. Despite the exhaustion it was a differences of night and day compared to previously.

He didn't manage to sleep, but not every sound or movement rekindled memories of the attack. He could remain calm enough to observe and think through what was happening around him.

"Man, am I tired of all this paperwork. Let's take a break and get some lunch." Lieutenant Laohu exclaimed as he dropped his head on the table. Visibly worn out.

Jun De and lieutenant Wuya glanced at lieutenant Laohu dissatisfied by his behaviour before refocusing on work. Neither of them caring much about maintaining a healthy diet.

Knowing those to would ignore his plea, lieutenant Laohu used his knee secret weapon. "Taio Ru, what do you think? Are your hungry? I mean you lost so much weight this past week and your still recovering. It would be terrible if you missed eating lunch because of these workaholics." Lieutenant Laohu said with a smirk.

Hearing lieutenant Laohu mention Taio Ru the Marshal flinched. His face growing dark as he admonished himself for neglecting the little snake wrapped around his arm.

Taio Ru on the other hand was neither hungry or full. And didn't intend to play along with Lieutenant Laohu's words.

"Love, would you prefer to eat here in the office or will you be okay eating in the cafeteria?" Jun De asked concerned for Taio Ru's wellbeing.

"I don't want to eat in the cafeteria with all those people." Taio Ru said quietly.

"Understood. Lieutenant Laohu head to the cafeteria and order everyone something to eat. We can eat here in the office as we continue our work." Jun De said crushing lieutenant Laohu's plan to escape the massive amount of paperwork.

Reluctantly lieutenant Laohu got up and left the office to get enough food for everyone. While he was gone lieutenant Wuya started acting odd.

He kept looking over at Taio Ru opening his mouth to speak, but then changing his mind. This action repeated many times before Jun De asked, "Do you have something to say?"

Lieutenant Wuya hesitated before finally speaking.

"There's something I would like to say to Taio Ru."

Hearing his name come from lieutenant Wuya's mouth surprised Taio Ru. It wasn't a good surprise either, his body tensed and a cold sweat dripped down his forehead. "What does he want to say? He isn't going to say he still suspects me to be a spy or something, is he? No, maybe he is going to complain about me being in the office or..."

Taio Ru's imagination ran wild as he tried to think of the reason lieutenant Wuya would want to talk to him.

"Taio Ru, I am sorry. I have shown you nothing but distrust and suspicion from the first day you appeared by the Marshal's side. I had even put my own suspicions above the Marshal's words. I am ashamed of my behaviour. I am sorry Taio Ru." Lieutenant Wuya said as his face reddened. He wasn't the type who made such mistakes. He sincerely felt ashamed of his thoughts and behaviour towards Taio Ru.

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