Chapter 75: Report

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Lieutenant Laohu stepped forward to discuss the current situation on the battlefield. With Taio Ru's help, they were now the only ones on Capital Star with any information or contact with the front lines.

Taio Ru left them to speak and headed to another desk to sit down. With everything that had happened he was feeling drained.

"Excuse me, but how did you do it?" One of the communication officers asked.

"Do what?" Taio Ru retorted, too exhausted to be polite.

"How did you connect us with the frontline despite the solar storm?" The officer asked again.

"It's not difficult if you understand what is happening inside the solar storm." Taio Ru said as he leaned back.

"If it were easy, you wouldn't be the first to successfully connect a call. There must be some secret."

"No secret. Solar storms make sending and receiving certain frequencies difficult. The different frequencies are either absorbed or reflected back by the storm. I simple manipulated the frequencies so they could pass through without difficulty." Taio Ru explained.

"You can do that? How?"

"If we put this to use we won't have to worry about solar storms anymore."

"You got to teach us how to do it."

"I don't need to teach you anything." Taio Ru retorted displeased. He was exhausted and already uneasy about being at the barracks full of soldiers.

Despite his unease he gathered his strength and did what was needed to hear from Jun De. But now that he new Jun De was safe, his determination was wavering and his anxiety was rearing its ugly head.

Snapping at the curious officers was a type of defence mechanism. His breath quickened and the urge to transform and hide arose in his mind.

"No, I can't transform. Jun De told me it's inappropriate to show my animal form to anyone but him. I... I also don't know how it will affect the baby. I can't change." He told himself.

Thankfully, Lieutenant Wuya walked in at that moment. Lieutenant Laohu had contacted him while Taio Ru spoke with Jun De.

"Taio Ru, thank you for connecting us with the frontline. I need to speak with lieutenant Laohu and the Marshal. I've called the doctor. He will help take you home so you can rest." Lieutenant Wuya said. As he spoke he motioned for the communication officers to leave.

"Lieutenant Wuya forgive my insolence, but we need this distinguished guest's help with modifying the main equipment so it can resume communication with the frontlines." The officer said.

He hadn't giving up on learning how Taio Ru managed to successfully connect with the frontlines.

"No, all communication during this time will be done from here. Furthermore, no one is allowed to discuss what happened here with anyone. This room and all information pertaining to Taio Ru's actions and  visit to the barracks are classified." Lieutenant Wuya ordered. His tone was serious and could even be described as frightening.

Lieutenant Wuya wasn't an idiot. He understood the importance of being able to communicate during a solar storm. If word spread, Taio Ru's value would rise.

This would be fine if Jun De was present to guard Taio Ru. However, with him away at the frontlines, it was a different issue. He couldn't guarantee Taio Ru's safety. There were too many dangerous individuals above his head who might take advantage of the Marshal's absence to cause trouble.

With those thoughts in mind, lieutenant Wuya decided it was best to hide it. They could address the issue later once Jun De returned.

The officers walked away still feeling dissatisfied. Even so, they wouldn't disobey a direct order from Lieutenant Wuya.

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