Chapter 119: Home Again

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The following days went by without incident. The closer they got to Capital Star the more concerned Jun De grew.

"What are you worried about?" Taio Ru asked as he looked at Jun De.

"She hasn't tried anything. Either she has something  planned that we don't know about, or she's confident we can't stop her with the evidence we've gathered." Jun De said feeling stressed.

"What's you're plan?" Taio Ru asked.

"No plan. I'm having the men remain vigilant for any suspicious activity. The Emperor has also been watching the Empress. We can only wait and see. But soon it will be all over. The Emperor has plans to call a meeting and expose the Empress' acts of treason. The same day we return." Jun De explained.

"What will happen once she's exposed?" Taio Ru asked.

"They'll put it to a vote. You'll also need to participate as head of the Shé clan. The Emperor intends to have her striped of her position as Empress and banished to planet 789b4i. It's a planet where only the worse criminals are sent to. Once there she will live out her life doing hard labour and atoning for her sins."

"What if the others don't agree? Isn't there a chance we won't have the votes?" Taio Ru wondered.

"Possible yes, but the Emperor and I are confident the votes will be in our favour. Once we reveal she broke the biggest taboo we beastmen have and made a deal with the Zerg. Even the NSF could never forgive her for what she's done." Jun De said.

"If that's all we can do, than I guess that's what we'll do." Taio Ru said. He than yawned before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Jun De lovingly pulled Taio Ru close and kissed his fluffy head of night red hair. "Sweet dreams my love."


The next day they finally reached Capital Star. Similar to the first time Taio Ru arrived on Capital Star they landed the Zenith at the barracks. The difference however was that unlike the time before, Taio Ru didn't transform into a snake and hide under Jun De's sleeve. This time he tried walking out carrying the babies in his arms.

"Love, are you okay?" Jun De asked. He long noticed Taio Ru's shaking and vigilant glances around the room.

"Gulp* Not really, b..but I need to try." Taio Ru said as he held the carrier with the babies tighter.

Jun De felt like a stone was pressing hard against his chest at the sight of Taio Ru trying to move forward. He wanted to hold him in his arms and protect him from everything; him and their three babies. But Taio Ru wouldn't let him.

They slowly made their way to the exit. The soldiers didn't clear out completely like they had in the past, but they also didn't linger or approach Jun De and Taio Ru.

"Finally, I get to see the famous Taio Ru! I've heard you discovered the problem with the Stargazer and Destiny ships. Hearing so many rumours I've been eager to meet you." Marshal Shizi remarked from across the room. His gate intimidating and domineering as he approached.

Jun De immediately stood between them his brow furrowed and body poised to attack. "Step back Marshal Shizi." He growled.

Everyone froze from the intensity of the encounter. Their eyes focused on the two Marshals.

"Are you challenging me?" Marshal Shizi roared his anger rising. He was a proud man and couldn't stand being provoked. Throughout the voyage Jun De had tested his patience consistently. Always making up excuses to deny a meeting between him and Taio Ru.

Finally getting a chance to meet Taio Ru, he was determined to find out for himself what was so amazing about the Shé clan's only direct descendent. The man protected not only by Marshal Xiongmao but also given special treatment by the Emperor himself.

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