Chapter 61: Welcome Back (NSFW references??)

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The next morning Taio Ru woke up begrudgingly. His body aching in places he didn't even know was possible.

"Love, good morning." Jun De said.

Glaring at Jun De, Taio Ru simply pulled the blanket over his head and curled up.

"Love, what's wrong?" Jun De asked surprised.

"..." Taio Ru didn't say a word. Continuing to sulk under the blanket.

"Love, are you angry? Is it because of last night? Did I do something wrong?" Jun De asked a slight panic audible in his voice.

"Why did you have to try all those different positions? What's wrong with the first one?!" Taio Ru finally exclaimed.

"You didn't like them? I thought you'd enjoy the different positions?" Jun De explained surprised by the reality. He had thought Taio Ru had felt good. He certainly came several times throughout. They both did.

"They were strange." Taio Ru mumbled. He was feeling both embarrassed and conflicted.

"Did you not like any of them?" Jun De asked not quite convinced they were all bad.

"I... I didn't hate them all, just..." Taio Ru tried explaining as he thought back on the previous night's activities.

"The second position wasn't bad. The view of Jun De's firm muscles was nice, but when he lifted me up while standing was horrible. Gravity should not be involved when doing that!" Taio Ru thought as he remembered the different positions.

The worst being when Jun de decided to lift him up in his arms and stand by the window. "Every time he loosened his grip I felt my body fall. His member entering deeper inside, unable to stop or slow down." Taio Ru thought unhappily. It wasn't painful, but the complete loss of control was frightening.

"Not all? Which ones did you like?" Jun De asked pulling the blanket away from Taio Ru's face.

Taio Ru was reluctant to speak.

"Love, tell me. Otherwise I might choose a position you don't like again without realizing." Jun De coaxed.

"Did you like the second one? The one with your leg up?" Jun De asked again hoping to get a reaction.

His face red, Taio Ru nodded. "It wasn't bad." He mumbled to shy to say more.

"Okay, what about the third? The one where you lay down on your stomach?" Jun De asked moving on to the next position.

"No. How can we make love when I can't even see you?" Taio Ru complained. He hated the feeling of being pressed down unable to look at Jun De. It felt distant and loveless.

"Sorry, Love. I won't do it from behind like that again." Jun De promised feeling regretful.

"If you don't like it when you can't see me, then you must have liked it when I held you in my arms?" Jun De said a little hopeful.

Out of the several positions they tried it was Jun De's favourite. The look on Taio Ru's face as he lowered him down was intoxicating. Clinging tight and moaning as he fell lower. The memory alone sent the blood rushing down.

"Absolutely not! Don't ever try that one again!" Taio Ru exclaimed his brow furrowed.

Jun De wanted to ask why, but when he looked at Taio Ru and heard the familiar tapping of his foot under the blanket he immediately shut up. His instinct warned him not to pursue the issue.

"Understood. I promise not to do those positions again or any similar ones ?" Jun De said cautiously.
"What do you mean similar? How many positions are you imagining?" Taio Ru asked suspiciously.

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