Chapter 13: Change in plans

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The meeting lasted several hours as they discussed what had happened and made plans for the following course of action.

Unable to reach a final decision Jun De called an end to the meeting and decided to reconvene the next morning.

"How did it go?" Taio Ru asked when they reached the bedroom.

"Captain Baihu wishes to continue the mission with my ships help. However, my team is not equipped for reconnaissance and evidence have shown that continuing forward will be dangerous and it's not a risk I can consider lightly." Jun De said summarizing the problem.

"But you are considering it? Is it because your worried things will worsen if it isn't dealt with now?" Taio Ru asked.

"It's a possibility." Jun De admitted.

"It isn't my place to say, but right now your an ill-equipped team joining forces with a previously defeated team. The odds aren't in your favour." Taio Ru said without holding back.

Jun De agreed with Taio Ru. From his perspective although they didn't have enough evidence or information concerning the pirates and the planets status, they did have enough to warrant action.

Upon returning to the capital he could lobby for quick and decisive action. Sending a battalion to take down the pirates and reclaim the planet from their occupation.

"Are you confident you can get enough manpower to deal with the problem without more evidence?" Taio Ru asked. From his own personal experience the government always tries to reduce costs at every turn.

He was worried that without a clear picture of the size and influence of the pirates on the planet and surrounding areas, they might not give them everything they needed for a successful attack.

"Not a problem. If it were the reconnaissance team alone they may have doubts, but that won't be an issue for me." Jun De said confidently. He had also faced difficulties in the past, but as a Marshal leading the most successful company in the current military his words held a lot of weight.

"Then, is the mission complete? Are we returning to the capital?" Taio Ru asked. He had been studying hard and learnt a lot about the current world. Even so, reading about something and witnessing or experiencing it in person were very different.

"We will. However we first need to investigate and see if the missing mecha pilots escaped and found a place to hide or were destroyed." Jun De said as he grabbed a change of clothes from the closet.

"I see." Taio Ru said as he watched Jun De's movements.

"He isn't planning on changing with me right here is he?" He thought inwardly his face feeling warm.

Jun De removed his jacket and started to unbutton the shirt underneath.

Shock* "What are you doing!?" Taio Ru shouted at the sight.

"Is something wrong?" Jun De asked pausing his movements to look at Taio Ru.

"Of course there is. How could you just start undressing in front of me all of a sudden?" Taio Ru said in disbelief.

"Taio Ru, I've undressed in front of you multiple times now. Why is it suddenly a problem?" Jun De said. He had noticed Taio Ru's concern earlier but didn't stop anticipating this moment.

"Of course it's different. Before we were only friends. Now, as your boyfriend I find in inappropriate for things to progress so quickly. Even if we are men, a little restraint would be wise." Taio Ru said sounding self assured and high standing.

"I see, although I don't believe our relationship can progress in that direction before you manage to successfully transform. I must agree that taking things slower is wise." As Jun De spoke Taio Ru nodded his little head in approval.

"With that said, I suppose we won't be able to sleep in the same bed together." Jun De continued freezing Taio Ru's head mid nod.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Taio Ru said distressed. They had tried sleeping separately on the first two nights, but his body's temperature would quickly fall and he would feel uncomfortable. In the end he'd always end up huddled in bed with Jun De.

"Well it would be inappropriate to share a bed when we've only just started dating." Jun De teased.

"That's different. For the sake of comfort I need to sleep in bed together with you." Taio Ru refused any other solution.

"I see. Well I think it's best to make these things clear. After all, we don't want to rush our relationship. Showing some restraint would be the wiser choice." Jun De said repeating Taio Ru's previous words.

"Damn it! How dare he use my own words against me. Just you wait, even if I do transform I won't let you lay a single hand on my body until I'm good and ready." Taio Ru swore inside as he tapped his tail in frustration.

Jun De grabbed his clothes and proceeded to the bathroom to change and shower. When done he found himself face to face with a hesitant snake.

"Is something wrong?" Jun De asked.

"Cough* Could you please help me wash? I moved around on the ground a lot and must be covered in dirt." Taio Ru said. Although he didn't look dirty, thinking about where he had been he couldn't help but want a bath.

"Not a problem." Jun De said lifting him up and carrying him over to the sink.

Despite Taio Ru's initial complaints about Jun De changing in front of him, the rest of the night was the same as usual. Until both lay down to rest.

"Should I sleep somewhere different?" Taio Ru asked as he glanced at his usual spot on Jun De's wide chest.

"No. If you sleep to the side I might crush you." Jun De said laying in his usual position.

"Hm." Taio Ru nodded in agreement as he crawled over. Just before reaching he was stopped by Jun De.

"You seem to have forgotten something." He said smiling.

"What do you mean?" Taio Ru asked confused. He couldn't think of anything he had missed.

"Now that we are dating, I believe a goodnight kiss is in order." Jun De said without hesitation.

Taio Ru's eyes grew large. "How can he say that with a straight face?" He thought. Even so, before he could say anything a soft tender kiss landed on his small head.

"Goodnight Love." Jun De said before resting his head satisfied.

Taio Ru was shocked, not only by the kiss, but also after being called Love. "Is that supposed to be a pet name? Should I also use one for him." Taio Ru considered his options and hesitated a little until he remembered how Captain Baihu called him Junny bear.

With determination renewed he crawled into his usual spot on Jun De's chest and quietly said, "Goodnight, Bae." Before pulling the covers over himself and hiding.

Jun De wanted to laugh, but with masterful self control he limited it to only thinking deep in his heart, "Cute."


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