Chapter 15: Mecha

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Over the next two days, Jun De and Captain Baihu searched the area for some evidence supporting their claims about the pirates. They also looked for the missing members of her team.

"Just a few more days. I'm sure they are alive somewhere." Captain Baihu argued.

"No, we have already used up too much time. We've gathered enough evidence and will be returning to Capital Star immediately." Jun De said assertively.

"No way! You're only saying that because of that damn stowaway. If we leave now things will go exactly as he wants." Captain Baihu shouted.

"Captain Baihu, watch your words." Lieutenant Laohu shouted. He and the rest of Jun De's men glared at Captain Baihu and her team.

They could understand her unwillingness to leave without knowing the status of her team members, but to disregard their Marshal's orders and question his motives was completely unacceptable.

Even lieutenant Wuya who was the most suspicious of Taio Ru since the beginning couldn't agree with her behaviour.

"Our mission is to find, rescue, and return to Capital Star with your team. We have accomplished our goals and only need to escort you back to Capital star. I have humoured you these past few days, but do not think you have any say on this ship." Jun De didn't raise his voice, but the dominating aura he released froze the room.

Unable to say more everyone could only silently watch as Jun De stood up. "Prepare to depart for Capital Star immediately." He said just before stepping out of the room.


"It's all that snakes fault. They hat is it even doing in the ship?" Captain Baihu said as she paced in her room.

"Captain, we can't leave the without the others. We promised to go back for them." An officer said.

"I know. But our ship is beyond repair. We need the marshal to agree if we are going to stay. I don't know what magic that snake traitor cast, but the marshal has turned his back in his military duties and chosen it's words over ours." Captain Baihu explained. All the while she was blaming Taio Ru.

Listening to their Captain continuously blame Taio Ru. The crew members' opinion of Taio Ru were also becoming more biased and warped. Leading to some dangerous thoughts.


"Jun De your back. Is everything okay? You look a little upset." Taio Ru asked seeing Jun De return to the garden feeling tense and brow furrowed.

Jun De sat down next to Taio Ru letting out a long sigh. "It's not something to worry about. How's your studying going? Is there anything giving you difficulty?" Jun De said changing topics.

"Theory is easy to understand, but is it possible to have a look at one of the mechas on the ship?" Taio Ru asked.

"An individual's mecha is as important as their life. I can't allow to examine them without the owner's permission, but I can allow you to look at my personal mecha." Jun De said.

"Is your mecha different from what I've been studying?" Taio Ru asked noticing Jun De's emphasis on his mecha.

"It's a more advanced mecha that I had custom built according to my own needs. The foundation should be the same, but some aspects may be more advanced then what your currently studying in your books." Jun De explained.

The thought of looking at an advanced mecha made Jun De's heart beat.

With things decided Taio Ru struck while the iron is hot and asked to see it right away.

Jun De had no qualms and some fr was time, so he happily obliged and they went to the mecha bay on the ship together.


On the way to the mecha bay Taio Ru noticed the looks from certain individuals were becoming more malicious.

"Jun De has there been an incident?" Taio Tu asked anxiously.

"The reconnaissance team are not satisfied with my decision to return to Capital Star." Jun De admitted.

"Would it be better if I remained in the garden until we reach Capital Star?" Taio Ru asked.

"Don't worry. I will never allow anyone to harm you." Jun De promised as he continued walking towards the mecha bay.


Looking up at the beautiful white and black mecha in front of him, Taio Ru was at a loss for words. The child in him wanted to leap around the room ecstatically, while the researcher wanted to tear it apart and examine each piece.

"Jun De this is amazing." He said unable to look away from the mecha.

Jun De obviously knew how excited Taio Ru was. His tail had been swaying so fast it caused a breeze to sweep through the air.

Chuckle* "Go ahead and take a look. I'll be here taking care of some paperwork. Jun De said as he lowered his wrist for Taio Ru.

Taio Ru had not only been studying, but also practiced using his body properly. Now even without Jun De's help he can climb up on the bed or use the toilet without difficulty.

Rushing forward, Taio Ru first began examining the other armour of the mecha. When in space it would shimmer, but inside it had a flat texture.

From his studies he learnt that when powered on a protective shield formed over the outer coating of the mecha. This shield added both temperature and damage protection. It also produced a shimmer.

"The texture of the metal is much warmer than expected.
Similar to a persons body heat despite being powered off and kept in a cooler room... the connections are protected by this more flexible..." Taio Ru muttered and rambled as he moved around the mecha in a trance. Absorbing each detail and connecting and comparing it to what he read in the textbooks.

"Sir, Captain Baihu wishes to have a private word with you regarding the return journey." An officer said after approaching Jun De who had been watching the little snake explore the mecha excitedly.

"I am busy. Tell the Captain we can discuss any concerns she may have at a later time." Jun De said unwilling to look away from Taio Ru.

"She mentioned it being urgent and in need of your immediate attention." The officer said determined not to leave until the marshal agreed.

Jun De squinted his eyes suspiciously. However, if it was crucial to the mission he couldn't ignore it.

He looked over at Taio Ru who was still rummaging about with a big toothless smile on his face.

"Officer Lang, keep an eye on Taio Ru. If anything happens to him while I am gone it will be your head on the line." Jun De commanded or more like threatened as he called over one of his officers.

"Yes, sir!" Officer Lang said as he gave a stiff salut.

"Love, I'll be back soon." Jun De called out receiving no response from Taio Ru.

Shaking his head. Jun De walked away to deal with Captain Baihu.


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