Chapter 98: Decisions

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Jun De and Taio Ru spent the evening discussing what would happen if they decided to leave.

"If we leave, you'll need to give birth on the ship."

"Is it different than having it at home?" Taio Ru asked.

"Yes, but for the most part no. I've spoken to the doctor. The ship's medical bay would have the added equipment you'd need for childbirth. We can also arrange anything else you or the babies may need.. That wouldn't change. The difference is that we can't bring everything. We don't have the space for unnecessary things in the ship. if we forget something. We most likely won't be able to get it. At least, not as quickly as we would if you were here on Capital Star."

"Would these missing things put me or the babies at risk?" Taio Ru asked after a moment.

"No, the essentials will definitely be available." Jun De answered with certainty.

"So I wouldn't be at a higher risk of losing the babies or anything else while on the ship?" Taio Ru asked for confirmation.

"No, the doctor assured me that any and all possibilities will be considered when setting up the ship."

"What about our living arrangements? Will they be the same as they were last time I accompanied you?" Taio Ru asked.

"It's the same warship. I plan on modifying the bamboo garden into the nursery for the babies. However everything else will remain the same."

"I'd rather not lose the garden." Taio Ru commented with some dissatisfaction.

"It won't be lost, just part of it will have the babies beds and a play area set up." Jun De said cautious of Taio Ru's tone.

"Jun De, the garden is already smaller than our bathroom upstairs. It only looks decent because the bamboo gives the impression they go on forever. But you could literal walk from one side to the other in a minute." Taio Ru shook his end in disbelief that Jun de thought it would work.

It was large enough while he was a snake. Unfortunately, if Taio Ru and Jun De were both in there human forms it wouldn't be as spacious.

"How will we fit three beds and a playroom in that? We'd have to cut down all the bamboo and fill in the river just to fit the beds." Taio Ru continued.

"It's okay. They have these warming beds. The cot gets warm so they won't get cold. They are also stackable with storage. It will save space." Jun De said.

"Will they be big enough?" Taio Ru asked.

"Apparently reptile beastmen like more confined places. These are little cubicles but still big enough for a human baby if needed. It can close halfway at the top to make it into a cubby, but also easily opened for access." Jun De said as he showed him an image of the cribs he found (and already purchased) on the Star Network.

"I'm a reptile. I'll try it myself. If it seems reasonable we can use them. But if I don't we need to find something different." Taio Ru said dubious of the information off the Star Network.

"Understood, I'll have the robot bring one up now." Jun De said as he manipulated his bracelet.

"Now? Wait you haven't already bought them, have you?"

"Love, I'm sorry. I got a bit excited and bought a few things. We can try everything out and if we don't like some, send them back." Jun De said in defence.

He'd slipped a few of his purchases passed Taio Ru the last couple weeks. But had yet to reveal them all. In fact 90% of what he purchased were currently being kept in a warehouse offsite because he'd run out of room in storage.

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