Chapter 54: I'm Fine (NSFW)

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Jun De returned to the room and found Taio Ru asleep, brow furrowed in discomfort.

"It will be okay, Love. I've been indifferent to the Empress' moves in the past, but not anymore." Jun De swore.

The one who sent the bomb may have been his mother Xiongmao Jun Li, but Jun De knew the truth. His mother wasn't the brightest. She may have thought of sending the bomb to kill Taio Ru, but she didn't have the ability to go through with it. Someone needed to tell her where and when to send it.

That person was most likely her supposed "close friend" the Empress. Unfortunately, Jun De didn't have proof. He needed solid evidence of her involvement if he was ever going to bring her down.

Jun De sat by Taio Ru's side quietly as he contemplated how to deal with the Empress. She had many supporters with the NSF and she used them to do most of her dirty work.

However that wasn't all. If Jun De was correct she wouldn't achieve her goals with only their support. She needed something else.

"I need to figure out her final goal and catch her shadow. There is no way the NSF are her only henchmen." Jun De concluded.


"Jun De I'm fine." Taio Ru said as he walked over to the couch.

"Love, the doctor said you need to take it easy." Jun De reasoned as he followed Taio Ru.

"I have been for ten days. The headache is gone, I haven't felt dizzy for four days. Stop treating me like an invalid." Taio Ru complained.

Jun De had been at his side 24/7 since the bombing. The first few days he was grateful for the loving care and attention.

However by day four, he started feeling bored. Day seven, he wanted to at least leave the house, but Jun De was opposed to it.

It was now day ten, and Taio Ru was beyond bored. It wouldn't be so bad if he could read or go for walks. However Jun De wouldn't let him. It was only rest;

Using the bracelet's interface could cause mental fatigue, denied.

Going outside to rest in the sunlight could cause dizziness, denied.

Going for a more than five minute walk could cause physical fatigue, denied.

Going up and down the stairs had a risk of falling if there was a dizzy spell, denied.

Taio Ru was becoming frustrated. He didn't mind being lazy and taking naps. But choosing to take a nap was different from someone telling you to take a nap.

"Love, you were badly hurt. You need to rest. If you push yourself before you heal it will only make things worse." Jun De tried coaxing Taio Ru.

"What if I told you there is something I really want to do?" Taio Ru said with a hint of playfulness.

Jun De frowned. "Is it something that's physically or mentally demanding?" He asked.

"Mentally, no. Physically, yes, definitively." Taio Ru said, pulling Jun De on to the couch next to him.

In fact, there was something he'd been itching to do. Something they could do together.

"What is it?" Jun De asked, already prepared to say no.

"I want to have sex." Taio Ru said without shame or tact.


Jun De dropped the glass of water he was holding the moment Taio Ru spoke.


"Love, what did you say?" Jun De asked his voice hoarse.

"We've only done it the one time. I want to do it again. With the new lubricant you bought. The one without drugs." Taio Ru reiterated.

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