Chapter 6: Meal

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Walking into the corridor, it seemed no one was nearby. TaioRu gave it a quick once over before loosing interest and resting his head on Jun De's hand.

Jim De also did not say anything and simply walked towards the cafeteria. As they moved closer the sound of chatter and movement filled the air revealing the presence of life. Just ahead.

Jim De noticed Taio Ru's hold on his wrist tighten slightly the louder the sounds. He wasn't sure if it was from nervousness or dislike. "Does it not like others? Or is he worried about what will happen when he meets the rest of the crew?" He thought looking down at the small snake wrapped around his wrist.

"Marshal? What brings you back here so quickly? Did you change your mind about eating that tasteless supplement jelly?" Lieutenant Laohu joked as noticing the Marshal approach when leaving the cafeteria.

Shockingly, the Marshal nodded, admitting that his guess was correct.

"Wait seriously!? Wuya, you'll never guess but the Marshal is planning to eat actual food. He said quickly reopening the cafeteria door and shouting inside.

Taio Ru watched the large man's behaviour from the Marshal's wrist curiously. "Is he your subordinate?" He asked looking up at Jun De.

"Yes, he is lieutenant Laohu. His behaviour can be questionable at times, but he is strong and reliable in battle." Jun De said briefly before proceed in further into the cafeteria.

When they entered all eyes were on the Marshal a mixture of shock and confusion filled the room.

"Is it so strange for the Marshal to come to the cafeteria?" 5aio Ru questioned observing the surroudings. Unlike the corridor or bedroom they were in previously this room had some form of decor.

The room was a light yellow with large potted plants place around the outer edge. The centre had several large tables that could fit r to 6 people each. To the right seemed to be the kitchen with a large window and counter. Most likely for ordering food. To the right of it was what looked like vending machines.

Overall it wasn't much different from the cafeteria's back on Earth. Instead Taio Ru was a little more interested in the people in the room.

He looked around. Everyone seemed to be of mix races some had more Asian or Western influences, some were of a larger build while others were slimmer.

Overall the most surprising thing we're the eyes and hair. The color and shape of the iris seems like they might match that of their animal counterpart. Most seemed to be the standard round pupil shape but there were also verticals or horizontal ones.

The other surprising things was their hair. The texture and color seemed to have a wide variety from a more feather like glossy and color hair to the duller or more course hair.

"When I change to a human form, will I be bald?" Taio Ru wondered while feeling a sense of crisis. He wasn't someone who cared much about looks, but being bald was one fear he could not escape.

Jim De noticed the slight shivering of the little snake. "Don't be afraid." He whispered. He wasn't good and consoling others, but he gave it an attempt.

Taio Ru heard the words but was a little perplexed, "Why does he think I am afraid? There are far fewer people here than at the presentations and lectures I used to do in the past." Although he had doubts Taio Ru said nothing and simply looked back at the crowd of beastmen.

The largest beastman present whom they had just met outside came back quickly followed by a slimmer man with sharp blue eyes and glistening black hair.

Taio Ru gave the man a quick look, but as he turned away suddenly a hand reached out in an attempt to grab him. Before his mind could even react Taio Ru bared his teeth in an attempt to bite the man's hand.

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