Chapter 52: Investigation

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An hour had passed since Taio Ru fell asleep. During that time, they had returned home and Jun De had tucked Taio in bed.

After speaking with the doctor Jun De sent him away. Left alone, Jun De sat by Taio Ru's side. Until the alarm he'd set rang.

Standing up Jun De gently placed his hand on a Taio Ru's cheek.

"Love, it's time to wake up."


Taio Ru remained asleep unmoving. Jun De once again called out to Taio Ru.

"Love, wake up."

"Mmm..." Taio Ru hummed, rolled over and went back to sleep.

"Sleepy head, wake up!" Jun De said once more. This time he lifted Taio Ru up and into his arms.

"Tired..." Taio Ru mumbled.

"I know love. I'll let you go back to sleep after checking on your condition." Jun De said.

Taio Ru opened his eyes reluctantly. "What do you need to check?" He asked.

"First how does your head feel?" Jun De asked.

"Mm... it hurts. Nothing bad, just a light throbbing pain." Taio Ru said.

"Do you want to take some medication?" Jun De asked, however he could already guess Taio Ru's answer.

"No. No drugs." Taio Ru said.

"Here drink some water." Jun De said bringing a glass of water over to Taio Ru's lips.

Taio Ru grabbed the glass and with Jun De's help took a few sips.

"Drink a little more?" Jun De asked dissatisfied with how little he drank.

"No, my stomach doesn't feel right." Taio Ru said grimacing.

"Is it pain, or nausea?" Jun De asked feeling worried.

"Nausea." Taio Ru answered.

"Do you feel like vomiting?" Jun De asked.

"No. Just tired." Taio Ru said.

"Okay, we're almost done. You just need to take a short walk around the room for me." Jun De said.

"A walk? I don't want to." Taio Ru complained.

"Love, just a short one. Not even a minute." Jun De tried coaxing.

Taio Ru reluctantly nodded as Taio Ru helped him out of bed. Standing up Taio Ru was hit with a wave of dizziness nearly falling back on the bed.

"Love?!" Jun De exclaimed.

"I'm okay. Can we go to the bathroom. I want to use the toilet before going back to bed." Taio Ru said realizing he needed to go.

"Okay, Love." Jun De said as he helped support Taio Ru to the bathroom.

The distance wasn't far, however Taio Ru was a little unstable on his feet. Needing Jun De to help hold him up so he wouldn't fall.

Reaching the bathroom, Taio Ru stared at the unmoving Jun De.

"Is something wrong, Love?" Jun De asked innocently.

"Out." Taio Ru said pointing at the door.

"Love, you're unstable on your feet. I'll stay in case you fall." Jun De said unwilling to leave.

"Out, now!" Taio Ru stubbornly repeated.

"Love, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I've seen everything and more." Jun De said still unmoving.

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