Chapter 120: Security Measures

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The Emperor boarded the ship only to find Jun De alone sitting in his seat with a dark expression.

"Marshal Xiongmao, how is your family?" Emperor Daxiang asked cautiously.

Jun De lightly touched his sleeve where Taio Ru and the babies were. "Facing those with hostile intent isn't easy for him. What's important right now is returning home to a place that's familiar and comfortable." Jun De said.

"I understand, I'll have the pilot take off without delay." Emperor Daxiang said. Not once approaching Jun De or Taio Ru. He knew how sensitive they were and didn't want to make things worst.

He later sat down across from Jun De to discuss the mission and the upcoming meeting. There was a lot that needed to be discussed. The flight back to Jun De's private floating island would take a couple hours. During which Jun De was able to go over the key points and answer any questions the emperor had regarding the mission.

"Marshal Xiongmao, although the connections tying 'Her' to this incident are weak I'm confident they will be enough to convince the voters. The evidence we have gathered proves her connection on multiple points although mostly through indirect means. It should be enough to eliminate any doubt that she is involved, whether that involvement is direct or indirect is no longer a point of contention given the evidence." Emperor Daxiang said.

He then glanced at Jun De's arm where Taio Ru was hidden. His tone softer as he began speaking again. "I'm confident we will have the votes, but only if you and Shé Taio Ru are present for the vote." Emperor Daxiang said with concern.

Taio Ru had been listening quietly. His mind on high alert due to the anxiety but it didn't hinder his ability to process what the Emperor said.

He considered his words. "Can I do it? A room full of people who are hostile with each other. In a room with 'Her' the Empress who has tried killing and harming me on multiple occasions." He thought. His confidence in himself weak.


The little snakes could sense Taio Ru's mood fall. Worried they snuggled up close and hissed. Taio Ru used the tip of his tail and gently patted each one. "I'll try." Taio Ru whispered. Barely loud enough for Jun De to hear him.

Jun De looked up at Emperor Daxiang solemnly. "Taio Ru and I will attend the meeting." Jun De said.


Suddenly an alarm rang out. Jun De and Emperor Daxiang sat up alert. Neither knowing where the alarm was coming from.

"Jun De stop! We need to move away from the island!" Taio Ru suddenly exclaimed.

"Love, do you know what that alarm is for?" Jun De asked as he peeked inside his sleeve.

"It's the alarm I set on Little Sun SS. If anyone tries to access my lab and tamper with Sun SS the alarm will ring on my bracelet." Taio Ru explained his voice shaky.

"Are you saying someone has infiltrated our home and gone into your lab?" Jun De questioned. He had made sure the island, their home would be under 24 hour surveillance and heavily guarded even when they were away for the mission.

He looked at his own bracelet to check if he'd received any notification concerning a trespasser or breach in the island's defence. "Jun De you need to stop. We can't get close." Taio Ru warned again.

They were less than five minutes away from the island, but Taio Ru was adamant to stop. "Love, don't worry. Whoever it is I won't let them escape. I won't let them hurt you." Jun De said in an attempt to comfort Taio Ru.

"It's not like that. Jun De, I set a self-destruct sequence in the event someone without authority touched Little Sun SS." Taio Ru said with a strong sense of guilt.

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