Chapter 109: Checking in

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Jun De kept his word. Every chance he got he checked on Taio Ru and the babies.

Walking in a few hours after putting them to bed he found the babies playing in the crib. He didn't have long, but he sat on the edge of the bed. Laying asleep next to him was Taio Ru. Still in a deep sleep.

"My adorable babies, are you having fun?" Jun De asked as he checked on them. The First was for some strange reason curled around a stuffed fruit. It looked like something Taio Ru would have called a strawberry, although it's name was something completely different.

The First looked up at Jun De and with big eyes opened its mouth wide. Jun De watched, curious of what he would do next.

Chomp* the little snake took a big exaggerated bite of the stuffed fruit. Then he looked up at Jun De again eagerly awaiting his reaction.

"Hahaha! Little First, are you trying to tell me your hungry?" Jun de said, unable to stop himself from laughing.

"What about you two? Are you also hungry?" Jun De asked. When he did the Second who'd previously been weaving his way through the rope ladder and monkey bars raised his head and smiled.


Not a second later the little black and red snake fell and landed on the soft cot underneath. He had apparently lost his balance when he lost focus to look at his father Jun De.

"Are you okay? You should be careful. Seeing you fall, I might just have a heart attack." Jun De chastised him while also checking the little snake for injuries.

Happy his father was paying attention to him. The Second born snake smiled again and spun around in a circle.  Showing his father that he was okay.

"You are tough. But remember to be careful. Tough isn't indestructible." Jun De warned. He then glanced at Taio Ru laying on the bed. "And don't be afraid to ask for help." He added. The words were said to the little snake, but clearly meant more for Taio Ru.

Jun De looked back in the crib at the last snake. His only daughter. "Little third, wake up. The days will fly by if all you do is sleep." Jun De said as he gently nudged the tip of her tail. The little snake drew her tail up close to her head in defiance.

"Cute!" He thought. His finger mischievously nudging her again. The snake once again, displeased by his act twisted her body and coiled herself up tight in a ball.

Jun De became amused by her and once again gave her a little nudge. This time however her temper flared. She opened her eyes and glared at her father fiercely before slithering into the smaller area of the crib.

"Chuckle* I'm sorry my little baby girl. I promise not to do it again. Come out. I'm about to give you and your brothers something to eat." Jun De said. His words sounding sorry, but his smile gave away his true feelings.

At that moment, he recalled the time he bought Taio Ru boxes full of clothes. The look Taio Ru had when he complained about Jun De's terrible taste in clothes was nearly identical to his daughter's. Both adorable.

At the mention of food, she poked her head out of the opening and looked at him suspiciously. "Pfft* don't worry my lovely girl. I'm not trying to trick you." Jun De said. She then hissed, as though she were saying, "I'll believe you, but just this once." Before slowly coming out.

Jun De could barely stop himself from laughing aloud. He stood up and decided to prepare the food for the babies before he lost control.

When he returned to the crib he found all three babies looking up at him. Their mouths open ever so slightly. Their eyes immediately honed in on the plates in his hand.

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