Chapter 18: Trauma

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Not even an hour passed before Taio Ru woke up, heart pounding and chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.

"Love, it's okay." Jun De said as he gently ran his finger along Taio Ru's head and neck.

"Jun De, I..." Taio Ru muttered unable to express himself.

"It's okay. It will get better. Trust me. Everything is going to be okay." Jun De comforted Taio Ru.

Taio Ru lowered his head on Jun De's arm as he tightened his grip on his wrist once more trying to sleep.

Falling asleep once more Taio Ru found himself back in the mecha bay. An arm passing by his side trying to grab him.

As he turned to face his attacker all he saw were beasts. The distorted faces of the soldiers surrounding him, yelling as the drew closer and closer. Taio Ru could only do his very best to escape. But escape wasn't a true release from the nightmare. It only lead him back to that same dead end.

Bang*... Bang*...

Finding himself once more in the dark tight space. The thunderous banging as the soldiers tried to pry and take apart the mecha's joint. "Stay away. Don't touch me." His thoughts filling with the reality that with every passing second they were getting closer and closer to reaching him.

He tried to make himself smaller, to go deeper inside. Unable to because of the sharp pains shooting up his body. "I'm scared. I don't want to die like this. Why was I reborn if it was only to die again in a more horrific way?" He thought as the sounds grew louder.

"Jun De, Bae where are you?" Were his last thoughts before once again waking up.

Each time he slept again the same thoughts and scenes replayed in his mind over and over again. Trapped in a nightmarish loop, Taio Ru continuously woke up frightened and  exhausted.

While Taio Ru struggled with getting even the shortest amount of rest Jun De remained at his side.

Watching yet being unable to do anything, Jun De's mood grew dark. By the time he received a message from lieutenant Wuya, Jun De was ready to kill someone.


Lieutenant Wuya reported  the capture of all the reconnaissance team and crew, including Captain Baihu. Initially he wanted to report in person. However, Jun De denied all access for anyone approaching his bedroom. Leaving lieutenant Wuya no choice but to send a message.

Receiving the message Jun De quickly replied with the following words: "Grab the instigator lieutenant Shayu and let  officer Liegou deal with him personally."

Officer Liegou was the interrogation specialist, more appropriately nicknamed "Demon". This officer knew how to employ every method of torture to get the information he wanted.

In this interstellar time, things like torture were severely frowned upon. Despite that, the empire and federation had their methods. Officer Liegou was Jun De's method.

For Jun De to request his involvement meant Lieutenant Shayu would have no rest and would wish for death. Relief would only come once they reached Capital Star and he was handed over to the military police.


"What did the Marshal say?" Lieutenant Laohu asked from the side.

"Call officer Liegou." Lieutenant Wuya said his expression dark.

"Damn, they really pissed him off this time." Lieutenant Laohu said as he poorly attempted to whistle.

"I don't understand. That Taio Ru has only been aboard the ship for less than two weeks. A stowaway who is clearly acting suspiciously with unknown origins. How can the Marshal care and trust him so much?" Lieutenant Wuya questioned. He had a lot of trust and faith in the Marshal, but couldn't wrap his mind past these points.

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