Chapter 118: Advice

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"Hey Marshal!" Officer Laohu yelled aloud from across the hall.

"Officer Laohu, do you need something?" Jun De asked.

"Woah!? What's got you in such a good mood?" Officer Laohu exclaimed with an exaggerated tone.

Jun De simply looked at him as though he were an idiot. A far better response than what he'd gotten the last few months.

"Hahaha! Sorry, but it's strange. I thought you'd be in a bad mood cause of having to deal with Marshal Shizi. But damn you're in a great mood. You can't fault me for being curious."

"I'm busy, if you have nothing important to discuss I'm leaving." Jun De said as he turned to walk away.

"Wait! I was thinking of going to visit Taio Ru. You know with my injuries I don't have a lot to do so I thought I'd spend a little time with my buddy Taio Ru." Officer Laohu said.

He wasn't wrong either. Even though, Officer Laohu wasn't the most sensitive when it came to people's boundaries. He and Taio Ru had become good friends. Although if you asked Taio Ru the answer might be a little different. Not because he didn't like Officer Laohu, he just considered their relationship a little less natural or close.

It started because Officer Laohu was in charge of his protection while Jun De was away. Officer Laohu used it as an opportunity to get closer to Taio Ru. Often visiting him for lunch or an afternoon walk. If not for the incident with his 'girlfriend' they would have continued being close.

Jun De looked at Officer Laohu, questioning whether he should agree or not. Even if he was in a good mood he couldn't forget the danger Taio Ru was put in because of him.

"Come on, he spends all day alone in that room. Plus now he needs to take care of not one but three babies. Let me help him out and give him company while you're busy at work."

Jun De thought about Taio Ru. He'd left early for a meeting, waking Taio Ru up barely long enough to tell him where he'd be going. Taio Ru was still exhausted from their nightly activities that he simply muttered a quick goodbye before falling back asleep.

"The little ones have been less willing to stay in their crib recently, having this oaf around to help might not be a bad idea." Jun De thought.

"Go ahead. But if he tells you to leave, leave. Don't upset him or the babies." He warned.

"Thanks man." Officer Laohu said as he quickly walked away. He didn't want to stay longer and give Jun De a chance to change his mind.


Knock... knock... knock

"Taio Ru, open up. It's me, Officer Laohu!"

Hearing officer Laohu from the other side, Taio Ru got up to let him in.


"Took you long enough." Officer Laohu exclaimed in his usual boisterous voice.

"Officer Laohu did you escape from the medical bay again?" Taio Ru asked.

"Nah, I'm fine now. Came by to give you company and help out with the babies while the Marshal is busy." Officer Laohu said as he walked into the room.

"Where are they? Are they sleeping?" Officer Laohu asked as he curiously looked around the room.

"No, they just woke up from a nap." Taio Ru said as he walked over to the crib to take the babies out.

The three little snakes quickly wrapped themselves around Taio Ru's fingers like little rings. Their eyes cautiously observing Officer Laohu's movements.

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