Chapter 46: Xiongmao Family

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Taio Ru woke up in Jun De's arms. His body heavy and stiff. He couldn't remember how many rounds they had gone before he lost consciousness.

Recalling the night before Taio Ru's face burned red in shame.

"Shameful! How could I be so shameful. It was our first time. It shouldn't have felt so good. It should have been painful and awkward. What will Jun De think?!" Taio Ru thought burying his head into Jun De's naked chest.

"Love, what's wrong?" Jun De asked. Amused by Taio Ru's shy behaviour. He'd been watching him for awhile, basking in the memory of the previous night.

Finally realizing he wasn't laying on a pillow Taio Ru literally burst from shock and embarrassment.


Taio Ru escaped his smiling lover, transforming and scurrying away under the blankets.

"Love? Chuckle* why are you hiding? Come out please." Jun De asked amused but also a little confused.

"No. Don't look at me." Taio Ru exclaimed from under the blankets.

"Why not? Are you angry at me?" Jun De asked as he lifted the blanket revealing the tip of Taio Ru's little tail.


Taio Ru immediately pulled his tail in back under the blankets.

"So cute!" Jun De thought lifted more of the blanket in search of his shy little lover.

"Stop lifting the blanket!" Taio Ru shouted annoyed at Jun De for continuously finding him.

"Okay, I'll stop. But Love, how long are you planning to hide?" Jun De asked.

"I don't know." Taio Ru mumbled.

"Could you tell me why your hiding at least? Is it because I did something wrong?" Jun De asked.

"No. I'm just embarrassed." Taio Ru admitted his voice so quiet it was hard to hear.

"Embarrassed about what?" Jun De asked.

"Last night. I..." Taio Ru didn't know how to say it.

"Last night? You didn't do anything to feel embarrassed about." Jun D said, not sure why Taio Ru was feeling embarrassed.

"It was my first time. It shouldn't have felt so good. It's supposed to be painful." Taio Ru said.

"You're embarrassed because you felt good? Love, there's nothing wrong with feeling good. I tried my best so you would feel good." Jun De said.

"It's not normal." Taio Ru exclaimed.

"Love, it is. The lubricant I used guarantees you won't feel pain and that it will be pleasurable." Jun De said taking out the tube from the nightstand.

"Guarantee? How can it guarantee something like that?" Taio Ru asked poking his head out from under the blankets with a look of suspicion.

"It says the chemicals loosen the muscles and increase blood flow allowing for a more intense and pleasurable experience." Jun De briefly read the label aloud for him.

"So it's a drug." Taio Ru said irked by the revelation.

"I wouldn't call it a drug. But it does have some medicinal properties." Jun De clarified not yet noticing Taio Ru's mood.

"So you drugged me." Taio Ru reiterated.

Jun De looked over at Taio Ru. Surprised to see Taio Ru's looking back at him maddened by the fact he'd been given a drug.

"Taio Ru are you angry?" Jun De stupidly asked. He'd never seen Taio Ru angry like this before.

"Of course I'm angry! How could you drug me?!" Taio Ru snapped.

"Love, I'm sorry. I didn't realize it was a drug. I bought it because it had the best reviews." Jun De tried to explain.

"I hate drugs. Don't ever give me anything with drugs again." Taio Tu said his eyes red.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I won't use anything or give you anything without your knowledge from now on." Jun De pleaded.

"I hate drugs. And even though last night felt good, it was also strange. Don't use that stuff next time." Taio Ru warned.

"I won't. I'll buy a different kind. One that doesn't have any drugs in it. Just, it might hurt." Jun De said.

"I'd rather it hurt, then be drugged." Taio Ru said unhappily.

"Love, can I ask. Why do you hate drugs so much?" Jun De asked curiously. It wasn't the first time Taio Ru reacted so strongly at the mention of drugs.

"I mentioned it before, didn't I? Drugs affect the brain and body. I rely on them to live. If I alter them with drugs, I'm essentially risky my life." Taio Ru said solemnly.

Jun de wanted to say how the drugs in the lubricant wouldn't have any lasting effects. But looking at Taio Ru's expression the words got stuck. He couldn't say it.

"Love, I'll be more careful. Can you forgive me?" Jun De said. As he held out his hand.

Taio Ru looked at Jun De's hand debating on whether he should grab it if not.

After a few seconds Taio Ru gave in and climbed up on Jun De's palm. Jun De then lifted him up and kissed him on his spiky little snake head.

"I love you." Jun De said cautiously.

"I love you, too." Taio Ru answered back. Slowly wrapping himself around Jun De's wrist. Followed by, "I want to take a bath."

Jun De didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the sudden command. "Understood." Was all jun De could say as he climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom to run a bath for Taio Ru.


While Jun De and Taio Ru were enjoying their morning. The members of the Xiongmao Clan were reeling in anger.

"How dare that feral child of yours disrespect this family." An older man screamed at a woman across the table.

"Don't shout at me! If that child had been locked away like I suggested. We wouldn't have this problem now." The woman retorted. She was wearing a bright red dress and gaudy jewelry.

"Oh, that's right. You and your, "He won't listen to me, so let's lock him in the guest house and never let him out." Suggestion you gave when he was ten years old." Another woman in Green who looked to be around 60 years old said scoffing at the ridiculous notion.

"Don't raise your nose up at me like your any better. I don't remember you having any bright ideas back then. Not to mention if we'd done what I wanted we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place." The woman in red said.

" Jun Li, he's your son. The only person to blame is you for failing to raise him properly!" The man sitting next to the woman in green exclaimed.

"I did everything to make him a proud and noble son to our Xiongmao clan. Everyday I recounted the clans heroic deeds. I taught him the clan laws. Not a day went by where I didn't remind him of his noble lineage. It's not my fault. The thing was defective from the start. Just look at his brother and sister. They turned into exemplary members of the clan." Jun Li said.

"Ha! Exemplary? They are passable at best." A younger man in his early twenties scoffed.

"Fei De, shut up! A child like you has no right to speak at this meeting." Jun Li retorted.

"Don't yell at my son! He has more right to speak than you! A woman who can only spend money and raise a disgraceful child like Jun De." The woman in green, Fei Zi shouted.

"Enough! All of you. Placing blame will not solve anything." The eldest member and clan head, Kai Ze, yelled. As he banged his fist against the table.

"What can we do? He's the Empire's Marshal. We can't touch him." The man next to Fei Zi said.

"We can't do anything to a marshal, but what about that commoner?" Fei De suddenly suggested. An evil look in his eye.

Everyone in the room looked towards Fei De with the same cold look.


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