Chapter 68: I Don't Want To Do This Alone

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Coming to terms with the fact he was pregnant left Taio Ru feeling depressed.

"Lieutenant Wuya, I want to talk to Jun De." Taio Ru solemnly spoke.

"Taio Ru couldn't contact Jun De from his end due to security concerns. Therefore Lieutenant Wuya sent Jun De a message over a secure military line asking him to call Taio Ru.

"We will be downstairs. Call us if you need anything." Lieutenant Wuya said. He expected Taio Ru wanted to have a private conversation with Jun De.

"It should be another hour before the fluids are finished. I'll return when it's time to remove it." The doctor said with the intention to wait downstairs with Lieutenant Wuya.

Taio Ru nodded.

Beep!... Beep!...

A call soon came from Jun De. Lieutenant Wuya and the doctor quickly left so as not to disturb them.

"Love, how are you feeling? Has the doctor examined you yet?" Jun De asked. His expression that of worry and sadness.

"Jun De, I..I don't think I can do this alone." Taio Ru said his voice trembling.

"Do what, love? What's wrong?" Jun De exclaimed in a panic.

"I..." Taio Ru struggled to say the words. Subconsciously pulling his knees close as he sat on the bed.

"Love, you need to talk to me. What's going on?" Jun De asked as he imagined all the possibilities.

"The doctor... he says I'm pregnant." Taio Ru muttered in a low voice."

"Pregnant!? Love, are you really pregnant? How? Since when?" Jun De asked shocked by the news.

"I don't know. The doctor said because the Shé clan are considered reptiles it isn't impossible. As for how long... he didn't say."

"Love, you don't look happy?" Jun De remarked.

"I don't know how I feel about being a father... no is it mother? Whatever it is, I can't make sense of my feelings. All I know is that I don't want to deal with this alone. Jun De I need you." Taio Ru said feeling distressed and anxious.

"Love, I can't be there right now. I'll try my best to return to your side soon. In the meantime, I can arrange for the doctor or one of the lieutenants to stay with you." Jun De offered.

Taio Ru grimaced at the suggestion. "Who wants them?! Idiot I want me husband." He complained internally, but he knew the reality was different. No matter what he thought. It wouldn't change the facts. Jun De needed to work, and he wouldn't be able to return for weeks, maybe even months.

"Love, what do you want?" Jun De asked.

"I don't know. My mind is running in circles." Taio Ru grabbed his hair in frustration.

"We never discussed pregnancy before. Taio Ru, my love. Do you want this baby? Our baby?" Jun De asked.

He naturally wanted Taio Ru to give birth to their child. But now wasn't the best time. He was away at war and Taio Ru didn't even know it was possible to get pregnant. He wouldn't fault Taio Ru if he decided to terminate the pregnancy.

"What do you mean? I'm already pregnant." Taio Ru asked not realizing what Jun De was implying with his words.

"Love, this child is ours. It's a part of both of us. Knowing your pregnant I'm happy and excited for the future. But how I feel comes secondary to how you feel. If you don't feel ready or comfortable with being pregnant. I will understand and support your decision to terminate the pregnancy." Jun De said is voice calm and steady.

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