Chapter 70: Prenatal Care

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"Taio Ru, have you finished speaking with the Marshal?" Lieutenant Wuya asked when he saw him.

"I have. Is the doctor still here?"

"He's in the kitchen preparing some food for you to try." Lieutenant Wuya answered as he walked towards him.

"I see." Taio Ru walked towards the kitchen but suddenly stopped half way there. The strong pungent smell of food wafting towards him stopped him in his tracks.

"What's wrong?" Lieutenant Wuya asked when Taio Ru stopped pinching his nose in disgust.

"Taio Ru, it's probably best if you stay upstairs. I'll have each dish sent up and we can narrow down what food you can or cannot eat." The doctor said when he noticed the two of them not far away.

Taio Ru simply nodded before returning upstairs. Never letting go of his nose along the way.

"Doctor, you should head back upstairs to take care of him. I'll handle this." Lieutenant Wuya said.

"Okay." The doctor replied before walking upstairs.

Taio Ru was sitting on the couch looking pale. It was only a short time but his stomach was already starting to protest.

"It's impossible. Even just the smell of food is making me sick. How am I supposed to eat it?" Taio Ru complained.

"It's not impossible. We just need to try and find what works best for you. Not everything will make you feel sick." The doctor told him.

Taio Ru knew he was right, but he still couldn't help but feel doubtful.

"How did your conversation with the Marshal go?"

"Good, I suppose. Doctor, if I did decide to terminate it. How long would I have to make that decision?" Taio Ru asked caustiously.

He was leaning more towards keeping the baby, but the uncertainty was still there. He wanted to have the time to properly consider things.

"It depends on how far along you are. In the afternoon, I want to go to the basement and have you undergo a full body scan. It will reveal the babies current development and provide a more in-depth report on your body's current situation." The doctor explained.

"Full body scan? That sounds like an MRI." Taio Ru mused.

"I didn't know we had that kind of machine in the basement." Taio Ru questioned.

"I had some necessary medical equipment sent over this morning with the Marshals approval. Lieutenant Wuya also helped me set them up on B1." The doctor explained.

"B1 that's where my lab and the garage are." Taio Ru noted.

"The vehicles have been moved to B2 or off site. B1 now only has your lab and my medical bay. This way I can help you with anything you need without having to leave the island." The doctor clarified.

"Will you be living here, too?" Taio Ru asked displeased with the possibility.

"No. But I won't be far. Only five minutes away. I will however come by every morning to check on your condition. The Marshal has requested daily medical reports."

"Don't you think that's too much? Once per week should be plenty. I'll talk to him tonight." Taio Ru said with a slight blush. He couldn't help but feel annoyed and happy from the concern Jun De showed.

"It's a little excessive, but not a problem. I'm happy to help." The doctor replied with a smile.


"I will start sending some food up now." Lieutenant Wuya said as he carried over a tray of what looked like fruit.

Taio Ru's immediate reaction was to pinch his nose. Afraid the smell would churn his stomach.

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