Extra 2: Dream House (NSFW)

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Taio Ru was bedridden several days after the meeting. The intense atmosphere in the room set him back months of effort in overcoming his PTSD.

What made things worse was that during this time they couldn't return home. Living in the unfamiliar palace didn't help, so after the second day Jun De moved Taio Ru and the babies back to the Zenith. Back to the room they had stayed in throughout the mission in hopes the familiar room would help Taio Ru settle down.

Days passed with Taio Ru unable to sleep and nauseous. Every sound and movement causing his body to tense and shiver uncontrollably. During the time he was ill, Taio Ru refused to leave Jun De's arm.

Not even the babies could help settle his heart. Eventually Jun De convinced Taio Ru to take a tranquilizer, the same one he'd taken previously. With its help Taio Ru could finally sleep.

When he awoke again he felt well enough to eat and resume normal activities.

"Jun De, we need a new home." Taio Ru said. He'd been thinking about it and felt a home was necessary.

"I agree my love. I've been looking and found several floating islands we can purchase. They require work and need to be modified for our own use, but once we choose the one we like we can start work immediately. If we want to build our own island it could take up to five years. But if that's what you want I'd be willing to arrange it." Jun De said.

"We can build our own?" Taio Ru asked. He never knew the floating islands were man-made.

"There are natural and man-made floating islands on Capital Star. Our previous home was a man-made island. I bought it as is and removed the buildings I had no use for and replaced them with things I preferred. We can do the same with these, or we can manufacture our own island." Jun De explained.

"The idea of designing our own island sounds interesting, but given the time it will take to build it. Sigh* It's better to buy an island and modify it." Taio Ru said feeling dejected by the idea.

"We can do both." Jun De suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"Let's buy a small island that we can quickly modify for our needs. While we live there we can have our custom island built." Jun De said.

"It would be great if I can design the power grid for the island so it suits the Little Sun SS' needs rather than trying to rework an old system. Plus we can add my lab and places the babies can live once they are older. I can also design advanced security measure throughout for additional protection..." Taio Ru began mumbling all the possibilities.

Hearing Taio Ru show some excitement after many days Jun De smiled.


The next few days Taio Ru and Jun De spent their time designing their new home. The temporary home would be easy to change. A lab would be added for Taio Ru to build his Little Sun SS and a place for them to call home for the next five years.

It had three floors much like their previous home. The first floor had the living room, kitchen, and dining room along with a guest bathroom, the third was their bedroom, and the second floor was dedicated to the babies with 'snake-safe' play areas full of places all three babies would enjoy.

There was a jungle gym area with obstacle course and a sponge pit for Di Er to enjoy safely. Another area was filled with stuffed toys and little puzzles and brain teaser for Di Yi. As well as little hiding places to play hide and seek. As for Ru De, Jun De had several beds placed throughout. From hammocks to cubbies, there was no place Ru De wouldn't be able to sleep comfortably.

For their beds Jun De continued to use the crib. It was familiar and safe to use while Taio Ru and Jun De couldn't watch them.

Everything in the room was made to accommodate young children or the little snakes.

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