Chapter 112: Recognition

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Everyone sat nervously awaiting the power to return. "Head, what should we do? If the reboot doesn't work our few days of work could turn to months. We can't afford this sort of delay." An engineer said.

"I understand your concerns, but the marshal has made his decision. All we can do is our best and prepare." The Head of the Engineering Department said feeling stressed.

Rebooting sounds*

The system soon rebooted and the lights turned back on. Everyone sat quietly unable to breath. Afraid that something terrible could go wrong at any second.

Minutes passed and nothing seemed to happen. "Head, should we contact the marshal?" One man asked nervously.


Beep... Beep...

Jun De soon received a call from the Head of the Engineering Department.

"Marshal, now that the system has been rebooted do you mind if my team takes a look?" He asked.

"Only key personnel who will be responsible for monitoring the system may come." Jun De said before ending the call.

"Jun De why did you tell them they could come?" Taio Ru asked his brow furrowed in discontent.

"What do you mean? You said it yourself the system is functional but the dead spot haven't stopped appearing. Someone will need to continue monitoring the system and modifying it to accommodate these dead spot if we are to reach Capital Star." Jun De said confused by Taio Ru question.

"I'll do it. The new system isn't something they will be familiar with and it requires a certain level of expertise to handle the dead spots. I'll take point and maintain the system and it's power supply. You just need to get us home quick." Taio Ru said.

Jun De sighed, he knew Taio Ru had difficulty asking for help but he never imagined it would be this bad. "My love, the voyage back will take ten days at best. Do you plan on staying at that desk the full ten days without rest monitoring the system?" Jun De asked.

"If it's necessary, yes."

"Love, your recovering from childbirth and your one person. It's impossible. My men will handle the system from this point forward. If there are any issues you can deal with them. But leave the simpler things to my men."

"They wouldn't know what to look for. It's easier if I just do it myself."

"Taio Ru, do you know why I am a marshal? It's because I know how to utilize my resources. This includes delegating work to others. You need to accept the help of others. Teaching them may take a little time, but it's worth it." Jun De said. He couldn't help but feel hurt when he heard Taio Ru trying to do everything himself.

"How bad was it in his last life that he feels like he needs to do everything himself? I understand he was a genius, ahead of his peers, and constantly coming up with groundbreaking ideas, but this is too extreme." Jun De thought.


"My love, I put my faith in your genius. Whether it was your last life or this one. I doubt there is anyone as brilliant as you. That's why I put the lives of my men in your hands when I allowed you to reboot the system. All I ask is that you trust me in the same way. My men aren't incompetent. Take the next couple hours while we prepare to depart to teach them, and I promise you'll find it was worth the effort." Jun De added as he knelt down in front of Taio Ru.

Hand in hand he looked Taio Ru in the eyes. His gaze never wavering. Taio Ru couldn't help but want to trust Jun De. "Okay, but I'm not leaving until I feel confident they can handle it without me." Taio Ru said.

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