Chapter 37: Dinner with the Emperor

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In the morning, Taio Ru was rummaging through the closet. "What about this? Is this formal enough for a visit with the emperor?" Taio Ru asked pulling out one of the black suits he'd gotten.

"Love, it doesn't matter what you wear. We are meeting him at his private quarters for dinner. It isn't a formal event." Jun De said trying to calm him.

"He's the emperor and your boss. I need to make a good impression." Taio Ru said. If this was his previous world he wouldn't overthink his attire. He'd met so many "important" figures that he'd lost interest. By the end rather than making a good impression, he'd prefer to be left alone.

Despite that, he couldn't take meeting the emperor with those same thoughts. If he made a bad impression Jun De could be negatively impacted.

"Love, don't worry. Everything will be okay. You're an amazing person and the emperor will realize that even if your wearing pyjamas." Jun De stated once more.

"Stop reassuring me and start helping me pick out an appropriate outfit." Taio Ru retorted a little annoyed at how easygoing Jun De was taking things.

The night before when he woke up from his nap, Jun De told him about the change of plans. It came as a bit of a shock. However Taio Ru knew it couldn't be avoided and they discussed how today would go.

First, although they were meeting for dinner. They would have to leave just after lunch. This was because they had to go through security and the emperor's home was a few hours away by civilian flying car.

If they could take Jun De's military vehicle the time could be reduced by half. Even so, Jun De wanted to let Taio Ru sightsee along the way, so he chose the slower option.

Finally, after trying most items in the closet, TaioRu settled on a dark gray suit with a light gray shirt underneath. It wasn't too dark to look like funeral wear, but also not too casual for his first meeting with the emperor.

"Are you sure this is okay? Maybe I should wear the white dress shirt instead." Taio Du said about to get up and leave the vehicle.

"Love, you look great." Jun De said before quickly taking off. if Taio Ru decided to change one more time, they wouldn't make it for dinner. Jun De already had to give up on using his civilian vehicle that is slower for his faster military one.

The flying car moved quickly through the air. "Jun De, is there a certain etiquette I need to know when meeting the emperor? Like bowing or saluting? What about introducing myself? There's also etiquette at the dinner table. I don't know any of these things. Jun De, you need to teach me before we arrive." Taio Ru said nervously.

There's nothing you need to worry about. This is a private meeting. The emperor is also aware you haven't studied imperial etiquette or customs." Jun De reassured.

"So there are some? Quickly tell me so I don't look like a fool." Taio Ru demanded. Staring at Jun De with a serious face.

"Like I mentioned. The etiquette changes depending on the purpose and location of the visit. We are meeting at the emperors private quarters. There is no need for strict manners." Jun De tried explaining once more.

Taio Ru simply stared unblinking at Jun De.

"Okay. First when meeting with the emperor, military personnel will salute. While civilians are required to cross their arms over their chest. Like an X. You can't  speak unless the emperor speaks or addresses you directly. Touching or approaching a five meter distance to the emperor is also against etiquette. You also cannot look him directly in the eye. When he enters a room you must stand straight until he gives permission to sit down..." Jun De listed several rules for when having an audience with the emperor.

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