Chapter 51: Rescue

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Beep!... Beep!...

Jun De looked down at his bracelet. A call was coming through from the Lieutenant.

"Marshal, what's your status? I've just arrived on scene at the Research Centre." Lieutenant Wuya quickly said.

"I'm at the tenth floor safety area. Lieutenant Wuya what's the ETA for extraction?" Jun De asked.

"Currently all efforts are focused on the third to seventh floors. You should be safe on the tenth floor." Lieutenant Wuya said expecting the Marshal to be satisfied with the update.

"No. I need immediate extraction." Jun De said.

"Are you injured?" Lieutenant Wuya asked worried for the Marshal's safety.

"Not me. It's Taio Ru. He suffered a head injury and is losing blood quickly. I need to get him to a doctor quickly." Jun De said. He didn't care if it was selfish. Taio Ru was his priority.

"Understood. I've already contacted Lieutenant Laohu requesting additional soldiers. When they arrive we will prioritize the tenth floor." Lieutenant Wuya said.

"Have the doctor come with the medical ship." Jun De said.

"Understood." Lieutenant Wuya said before ending the call. He had his orders and was determined to accomplish them without incident.


While Jun De spoke with his lieutenant, everyone else in the room paid close attention. Hearing that help would come soon they all let out a sigh of relief.

These people weren't idiots. They knew the Research Centre was a time-bomb with all the equipment and volatile chemicals. The safety areas were designed to withstand any disaster, but there were still limits.

"I hope Researcher Chi got out okay." Apprentice LingYang said as she sat down next to Bianfu.

"His office is on the third floor. He either already escaped or will be among the first rescued." Apprentice Bianfu said although he didn't sound very convinced himself.

"Jun De, do you know... about Researcher Chi?" Taio Ru asked on behalf of the two apprentices.

"I didn't see him. However when I arrived the damage was concentrated on the fourth to sixth floor. Everyone below had plenty of time to escape before the secondary explosions." Jun De explained.

"I see. Jun De, how was work today? Did you finish everything you needed to do?" Taio Ru asked. He needed to talk to keep from falling asleep.

"I finished everything. Although, after today I need to revise some things." Jun De said his eyes cold.

"Jun De do you know who sent me that package?" Taio Ru asked. Listening to the way Jun De answered he figured the perpetrator was already known by Jun De.

Jun De's eyes shook. "Package, you received a package?" Jun De asked his eyes turning red, his voice hoarse.

"I rejected it. It didn't have a recipient or sender's name. The delivery man must have been on his way out just before the explosion." Taio Ru said. He purposefully kept his words vague so as not to alert the others.

"Good job, Love. You did a great job." Jun De said as he embraced Taio Ru tight.

"Jun De, you'll make sure to find the sender and warn them, right." Taio Ru said. He was angry. Angry that so many people were killed.

"I will love. I'll make sure they can never send another package in this life." Jun De promised.


"Lieutenant Laohu, I've spoken with the Marshal. He and Taio Ru are currently located in the safety area on the tenth floor." Lieutenant Wuya said as he pulled up the Research Centre's blueprints.

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