Chapter 111: Dead Spots

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The next day passed not much different from the first. Jun De was busy managing his crew and preparing to return to Capital Star. A task that was proving more difficult than they predicted because of the damage.

Luckily, mecha team 13 had done reconnaissance  for the asteroid belt. They had a safe place to hold up until repairs were complete. Unfortunately, the repairs originally predicted to take two days were proving far less hopeful.

"Marshal, we seem to be having difficulty repsiring the Stargazer. There is something causing the Stargazer from powering past 40%, but our technicians and mechanics haven't identified the cause." Head of the Engineering department explained.

"Can the Stargazer make it back to Capital Star given the current damage?" Jun De asked.

"It's possible. But in the event we encounter enemy ships the Stargazer would be unable to escape or keep up with the fleet. Returning to Capital Star without fixing the issue puts us at risk." Head of the Engineering department responded.

"Understood. Continue your work." Jun De said.


The meeting had ended, however Jun De continued to reflect on the issue regarding the Stargazer. The asteroid belt was safe at the moment, but the longer they remained the more dangerous it would be. Not just within the asteroid belt, but the route back to Capital Star.

Taio Ru had noticed Jun De was distracted while playing with the babies.

Usually when they played, Jun De would challenge their little Di Er. He'd raise the little stick higher so the little one could stretch further and find it more challenging. He'd also let him climb onto his hand and use it as a diving board.

But instead of giving little Di Er a more challenging obstacle course he was simple sitting there quietly. Di Er looked up at Jun De awaiting praise after climbing the little rope ladder.

"Jun De, is there something bothering you?" Taio Ru asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"Di Er has been staring at you for praise and you've been ignoring him." Taio Ru pointed out.

Jun De looked down at the little snake feeling apologetic. "Di Er, you're amazing. My lovely little bundle of energy." Jun De said with sincerity.


Di Er smiled happily from the praise hissing like he was rambling on about some important things. Neither Jun De nor Taio Ru could understand what he was saying but they nodded along as though they did.

"So are you planning on telling me about what's on your mind?" Taio Ru asked once Di Er calmed down and returned to playing.

Jun De had no problem telling Taio Ru. He didn't like keeping secrets nor did he intend on hiding the situation from him. It was also part of his deal with the Emperor.

"There's a problem with one of the ships in our fleet. They are trying to find the cause and fix the problem now. I'm concerned they might take longer than we have."

"A problem? What kind?" Taio Ru asked as he teased Di Yi.

The little First born snake seemed only interested in food, but they found he also liked hide and seek. Taio Ru or Jun De would hide his favourite fruit shaped stuffed toy somewhere in the crib. Then Di Yi would excitedly search for it.

"The Head of our Engineering department said they can't get the Stargazer to power up past 40%." Jun de explained.

"Do you want me to take a look? I've been studying about the different ship power systems in preparation for installing the Little Sun SS. Getting a second opinion could be useful." Taio Ru asked.

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