Chapter 43: Let's Watch a Movie (pt.2)

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After sending the emperor off, Taio Ru and Jun De decided to watch the movie they never managed to turn on the night before.

"Love, do you want to watch it in bed?" Jun De asked as he wrapped his arms around Taio Ru's waist. His lips tilted up in an alluring grin.

"I'm not using "let's watch a movie" as some euphemism for what we did last night. I'm really interested in watching the movie. So stop getting excited and let's set it up in the living room." Taio Ru said as he snuck out of Jun De's embrace.

Jun De couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Last night felt incredible. Taio Ru also seemed to enjoy it, so naturally the thought of doing it again had occurred to him. Not just once or twice but multiple times throughout the day.

"Love, we haven't really talked about last night." Jun De said. He felt confident last night that what they done was mutual. However, a little uneasiness still managed to creep into his heart.

"Talk about what? Did you not like it? Is it because we didn't go all the way?" Taio Ru questioned. A little surprised by Jun De's statement.

"No, I enjoyed it a lot. I'm worried you didn't." Jun De said.

"Jun De, i dint hate it. Weren't my actions enough proof last night?" Taio Ru said his face turning crimson. His voice  growing quieter with each word.

"So cute! I want to hug him." Jun De thought as he tried holding himself back.

"Love, are you willing to do those things with me again?" Jun De said his confidence renewed by Taio Ru's shy look.

"I'm willing. I'm willing, but within reason. Doing that at all hours of the day is not possible." Taio Ru stated.

"I see. Then, are you willing to do it again tonight?" Jun De whispered seductively into Taio Ru's ear.

"I want to watch the movie." Taio Ru said shyly looking away from the grinning Jun De.

"Okay. Then, what about after we watch the movie?" Jun De said as he placed his hand on Taio Ru's lower back. The touch sending a shiver down his spine.

"I don't know." Taio Ru exclaimed before moving away from Jun De and running off to the bathroom. His face so red it matched his hair.


"What was that? How can he be so straightforward? We only just finished eating dinner. Jumping straight to bed is ridiculous. I mean I won't deny what we did last night felt incredible. But, we can't act like animals and go at it all hours of the day!" Taio Ru thought as he washed his face trying to calm down.

"We are adults. Adults have things they need to do. We can't just be indulging in our lust at all hours of the day. I'm not unreasonable to think this way, am I? But it did feel good. No, I need to draw a line." Taio Ru told himself.

"What if he's still this wanton after we start going all the way? I once heard that when two men do it all the way, including back there. It can be really difficult on the receiver's body. I won't last if we do that without restraint." Taio Ru decided it was best to show restraint.

Taio Ru had never been interested in relationships or physical pleasure before. Even relieving himself was far and few between in his past life. However he wasn't completely ignorant of the mechanics involved.

"It really did feel good. Maybe, if we just limit it to before bed. I mean there's no reason we can't do it everyday, is there? It might even be healthy to release built up tension or stress from the day. It's also a great source of exercise." Taio Ru began wavering as he remembered the pleasure.

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