Chapter 64: Checking in

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Taio Ru sat on the couch still sniffling while Jun De went to get him something to drink.

"How embarrassing! I can't believe I just bawled my eyes out. He's just leaving for work. It's not like I'll never see him again. What's wrong with me?!" Taio Ru kept berating himself.

"Love, how are you feeling?" Jun De asked.

Unlike Taio Ru who was regretting his behaviour. Jun De was on cloud nine. There was no way he wouldn't be happy to see his love cry because they would be apart for awhile.

"Sorry... sniff* I don't understand what came over me. I was never this emotional before."

"Don't apologize. I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to show your emotions when your with me." Jun De said as he wrapped Taio Ru in a warm blanket.

"I'm definitely showing something, something embarrassing." Taio Ru retorted.

In an attempt to divert attention away from his tears Taio Ru asked. "What exactly did the emperor ask you to do?"

He knew the emperor would not have ordered Jun De to go unless it was necessary.

"I'll be an independent force. My role will be to help our current forces gain the upper hand while working separately."

"Independent? Is it because of the traitor?"


"It sounds risky." Taio Ru stated his mood worsening at the thought.

"Don't worry, Love. It's not my first time engaging in this type of strategy. I promise to return to you in one piece as soon as possible." Jun De said hugging him tight.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Taio Ru asked.

"Stay safe and healthy. If you need to you can invite the lieutenants or Researcher Chi over for some company or help. But try to stay home while I'm away." Jun De said.

He knew it wasn't right for him to basically put Taio Ru under house arrest while he was away. However they still had to be careful. Their private floating island was the safest place for him.

Taio Ru couldn't say anything. Simply nodding and accepting the reality that he was currently more of a liability than an asset.

"I'll finish Little Sun quickly. That way, when he comes back I can help him strengthen his mecha and warships. I will definitely be able to help him soon." Taio Ru thought; determined to be useful.


The next three days passed quickly. Jun De had to spend hours going over reports and preparing the warship for departure. He also stocked the house with everything Taio Ru might need while he was gone.

"Love, I'll call you every night. If something happens you can also call the lieutenants. They'll inform me as soon as possible." Jun De explained. He had been repeating the same thing over and over again the last three days.

"I know." Taio Ru said neither annoyed nor angry from the repetition.

"I love you." Jun De said as he held Taio Ru tight in his arms. Finding it harder and harder to let go.

"I love you, too. Now hurry up and go. The sooner you leave the sooner you can come back." Taio Ru said his eyes tearing up again.

Jun De kissed Taio Ru before finally departing. The warmth lingering on their lips slowly fading as time passed.

Taio Ru touched his lips as tears fell. "Damn it, why am I crying again?" He cursed as he entered the house.


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