Chapter 28: Our New Home

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Jun De soon landed somewhere near the middle of the island in front of what might be considered a small house. Taio Ru couldn't be sure. However for him it did look small in comparison to the island.

"It's not very big." Taio Ru commented lightly.

"Do you want something bigger?" Jun De immediately asked. It sounded like he'd go out that very moment to purchase something bigger.

"No. I like this size. I just didn't think you'd live somewhere so small." Taio Ru admitted.

"I see. Compared to my family's estate it is only the size of the servants quarters. But I think this size is big enough. I'd much prefer more space for the forest than bigger rooms." Jun De said.

"I agree. If it's too big, it would only feel empty." Taio Ru said with his toothless smile.

Unable to resist Jun De leaned forward and gave Taio Ru a kiss.
"Even at this size it can feel empty living alone. However now there's someone to share the space with. It will never feel cold or empty again." Jun De added.


Walking in the house Jun De gave Taio Ru a tour of the place. The first floor consisted of a bathroom, and open living, dining, and kitchen area. The walks were made of glass allowing a 180 view of the surrounding forest and lake. The only solid walls belonging to the office and bathroom. Inside each room there were small and large plants growing out of the floor. The furniture was minimalistic but looked comfortable.

Next was upstairs. Like downstairs it was an open floor plan. The large bed was located on one end and a sitting area was on the other. Three doors where along the one solid wall. One was for the large corner bathroom. Taio Sri couldn't help but admire the large almost pool sized bathtub. He couldn't wait to soak in it.

The next room was a sparsely filled closet. The few clothes in it seemed to only consist of military uniforms and maybe a few gym outfits. Nothing casual.

The last door was for a second office. This one was much smaller. It also seemed like Jun De didn't often use it.

"Taio Ru. This can be your office. I'll move everything to the bigger office downstairs." Jun De said.

"Are you sure?" Taio Ru asked.

"Of course. I usually stay downstairs anyway, as it's more convenient when we have meetings." Jun De explained.

"Meetings?" Taio Ru questioned.

"Sometimes I would call the lieutenants to the house for a quick meeting. If it makes you uncomfortable though I wont do it in the future." Jun De said.

"If it's only lieutenant Laohu and Lieutenant Wuya it's fine." Taio Ru said. He didn't mind if it was the two of them. After all they were Jun De's right and left hands in the army. Taio Ru wanted to trust them.

Jun De smiled, proud that Taio Ru was willing to try and accept and trust others.

Next was the basement. Jun De didn't give a complete tour of the underground area as it was three levels and big.

"The basement levels consist of a garage. I store two mechas, a few flying cars, and a small spaceship there. Below that is the training arena and gym. The last area is just a big empty storage bay. I'll show it too you later." Jun De explained as he carried Taio Ru over to the large bed.

Taio Ru had yawned several times and was having a difficult time keeping his eyes open. Therefore Jun De made the decision that he should take a nap.

"Jun De will you lay down with me?" Taio Ru asked sleepily. He'd been feeling a lot better despite the panic attack earlier in the day. Even so, Taio still felt a little anxious about sleeping. "What if I have another nightmare?" He thought.

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