Chapter 55: Panda

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The next day Taio Ru woke up feeling terrible. His head throbbed. His body ached. Worse was realizing Jun De wasn't next to him.

The warmth he'd become accustomed to feeling every time he woke up was missing. A sense of loneliness filled Taio Ru's heart.

"Where is he? Why isn't he here?" Taio Ru asked himself as he forced his heavy eyes open. Hoping to see Jun De sitting on a chair next to the bed.

"... He isn't there? Jun De, why aren't you here?" Taio Ru thought his eyes tearing. He wasn't sure if it was because of the headache or Jun De's absence.

Taio Ru was feeling awful, but worse was not having Jun De by his side. He slowly shuffled across the bed. Swinging his feet over the edge forcing himself to sit up.

He tried moving slowly but the moment his head left the pillow his head throbbed painfully.

"Ow..." Taio Ru whimpered before dropping his head back down on the pillow. The headache was bad and he had little strength.

As tears began to escape and flow down Taio Ru's pale cheeks, Jun De call out.


Running over. "Love are you awake?" Jun De asked. Seeing the tears his heart fell.

"Love, where does it hurt? Tell me where it hurts." Jun De whispered, afraid to cause Taio Ru anymore pain.

"Where were you?" Taio Ru asked upset.

"Sorry love. I was downstairs speaking with the doctor. I didn't want to disturb you." Jun De admitted.

"Doctor?" Taio Ru mumbled. He was now more surprised than upset. "Why is the doctor here?" He thought.

"You passed out when we were making love. I tried waking you, but couldn't. Worried it was because of your injury, I called the doctor." Jun De said. He'd been feeling guilty ever since.

"Did you tell him... what we did?" Taio Ru asked. If he wasn't already pale from the headache he would be red from embarrassment.

"It's important to always be honest with the doctor." Jun De admitted.

"You shameless man?! How could you tell others about that?!" Taio Ru screamed internally. Outwardly quiet and motionless.

"Love, I'm sorry. Forcing you to do that when your recovering from a serious injury. I'm an idiot." Jun De said. His guilt overshadowed the truth.

"You regret making love with me?" Taio Ru said with a nasally voice.

"No, I love being connected with you. But I should have been more patient. I shouldn't have given in to lust and cared more about your health.

Taio Ru wanted to remind Jun De that it was him who asked, no seduced him first. However he was still upset after waking up alone. So he let Jun De blame himself.

Jun De grabbed Taio Ru and slowly tucked him back into bed." The doctor says engaging in heavy physical activity worsened your concussion. You need to rest." Jun De explained.

A few hours ago, Taio Ru would have complained. However not now. The throbbing pain in his head and aching body was enough cause to listen.

"I feel sick." Taio Ru said. He grabbed Jun De's arm while curling up.

Jun De quickly grabbed the bucket next to the bed. "It's okay, love. Let it out." Jun De said as he rubbed Taio Ru's back.

"Ugh... cough*" Taio Ru vomited. His head throbbing and a sense of confusion hitting him.

Jun De tried to stand up to leave, but he couldn't. Taio Ru had wrapped his arms tight around his waist.

"Love, let go. I need to clean up. The doctor is also waiting downstairs. I need to tell him your awake and have him check your condition." Jun De pleaded.

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