Chapter 33: Fruit

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Sitting on the couch side-by-side, Taio Ru asked Jun De about his day. He hadn't expected him to come home so soon.

"The reports were previously submitted and well written. All that was needed today was to clarify any details and give a quick in person account of the events." Jun De explained.

"Then, is everything settled, or do you need to go back again?" Taio Ru asked knowing that Jun De planned to take a month long vacation.

"Everything is in order. There's just one more thing I need to do." Jun De said.


"The emperor would like to sit down and meet you." Jun De said.

"The emperor?! Why does he want to see me? Does he think I'm a spy, too? Am I going to be interrogated?" Taio Ru said a feeling of despair and panic sinking into his heart.

Jun De quickly embraced him in his arms. "Love, relax it's not like that. He just wants to meet you for a casual dinner. It has nothing to do with the incident on the ship. This is purely because he wants to meet the man I love. Don't worry." Jun De comforted while stroking Taio Ru's fluffy unruly hair.

"It's really just to meet me? Are you sure?" Taio Ru asked still not convinced.

"Positive." Jun De stated with a serious expression.

After listening to Jun De's reassurance Taio Ru finally calmed down.

"What kind of man is the emperor? From my experience all governing bodies are filled with two-faced people who smile and say kind words, but are really plotting in the dark." Taio Ru said. He hated meeting the presidents, governors, prime ministers, even royals in the past. They always tried to flatter him in person, then attempt to steal his work or belittle his efforts later.

One even claimed that his success was only possible because he attended school in their country. That if they hadn't accepted him as a student he would have amounted to nothing.

When Taio Ru heard that he wanted to complain and throw a tantrum. Instead, he needed to act humble in front of the cameras so as not to offend a powerful country.

"You're not wrong. But the emperor is also someone who has good morals. He has always respected those who work hard. While trying to keep the nobles in balance and the public happy. He has gained a good reputation in both circles." Jun De explained.

Jun De may have acted defensively during the meeting, however he believed the current emperor was doing a good job of keeping everyone in their place. Emperor Daxiang had also always kept his word.

"Then will we need to go to the palace or something tomorrow?" Taio Ru asked. He may of complained, but he knew the emperor wasn't someone he could offend.

"There's no rush. I'll inform him that you are willing to meet and let them make plans." Jun De said.

"What did you do today?" Jun De asked changing the topic. His voice showing a little dissatisfaction.

Taio Ru had missed the hidden tone and began talking about his day.

"After you left, I went to the lake pavilion to do some shopping. It's really comfortable with the cool breeze coming from the lake." Taio Ru said remembering how comfortable it was.

"Did you stay there long?" Jun De questioned.

"All morning. I ended up falling asleep until noon when the robot woke me up." Taio Ru said. Remembering when he was woken up by the robot Taio Ru furrowed his brow.

Oddly enough so did Jun De.

"Love I noticed you didn't eat much for lunch. Were you not feeling well? Did you maybe get heatstroke, or feel nauseous?" Jun De probed.

"No. I felt fine." Taio Ru said. Unsure on how to bring up the fact there was very little fruit. He didn't want to act spoiled, but the truth was Jun De had been spoiling him a lot on the ship.

"Then tell me why you barely ate any of the vegetables or meat?" Jun De restated, sounding more stern.

Taio Ru finally noticed Jun De's attitude. "I didn't want to eat them." Taio Ru said without remorse.

"Love, I know you prefer fruit, but it's unhealthy if that's all you eat." Jun De started lecturing.

"I'm aware and I don't care. I've spent years eating food I didn't like because it was healthier or the only thing available. I'd rather eat what I like now." Taio Ru said stubbornly.

"I'm not trying to stop you from eating fruit. I just want you to have a more balanced diet. At least for breakfast, lunch. And dinner." Jun De said. He changed his tone to coax rather than reprimand Taio Ru because he noticed Taio Ru's foot tapping away angrily.

"I understand that. That's why I ate some of the meat and vegetables." Taio Ru said grimacing.

Realizing he wouldn't be able to convince Taio Ru to eat a more balanced diet. Jun De decided to just give up.

"Okay. Just tell me what you want or need and I'll do my best." Jun De said.

While secretly thinking, "I'll feed him some supplement jellies or maybe order some kind of supplement candy. Whatever it takes to keep him healthy and happy."

Satisfied by their talk, Taio Ru went from tapping his foot to swinging it back and forth slowly.

"Did you have anything in mind for dinner?" Jun De continued.

"Fruit!" Taio Ru said with a smile.

"Any specific fruit or are they all acceptable?" Jun De asked. Holding back a chuckle.

"I'd like to try some new ones. The fruit in this world are different. It's fun trying new ones." Taio Ru said happily.

"Got it. I'll order a wide variety. You can try some new ones everyday." Jun De said.

"If we're going to do that then we need to do it right." Taio Ru said opening his bracelets interface and looking up an encyclopedia of fruit.

"Let's start with the first page. No wait, maybe it would be better to go by season? Are all of these even available on Capital Star?"


"Let's choose a different book first." Jun De said manipulating the interface. Up popped up a book titled Capital Star fruit and vegetation. It seemed appropriate for Taio Ru's choice.

"Vegetation?" Taio Ru said suspiciously.

"Love, what do you like most about fruit?" Jun De asked finding the whole conversation amusing.

Taio Ru was a little embarrassed, so with blushing pink cheeks he answered Jun De's question.

"Sweet, and juicy. Sometimes crunchy, the sour ones are also yummy." Taio Ru licked his lips at the thoughts.

"In that case, this book is your best choice. Some vegetables are also sweet, crunchy, and juicy. Maybe you might like to try a few?" Jun De suggested.

"Okay." Taio Ru decided curious about what he might get to taste soon.

Jun De and Taio Ru continued planning their fruit filled meals. Even as they were eating, Taio Ru had the book open asking Jun De questions.


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