Chapter 96: A Snake's Woe

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Taio Ru lazed around and enjoyed riding Jun De around the house and yard for the next few days.

It wasn't that he didn't want to do more. It was just that Jun De insisted and Taio Ru didn't feel energetic enough to try and change things.

Until one night, Taio Ru decided to question his ever loving husband. Like always they lay in bed ready to sleep. Jun De decided to read through some last minute reports while Taio Ru made himself comfortable nestled on his firm warm chest.

Taio Ru looked up and could see Jun De's neck. Suddenly remembering something that had been bothering him. He decided to slither up and ask.

"Jun De?"

"What is it, my love?"

"Why haven't you bought a necklace yet?"

Hearing Taio Ru's question Jun De's body stiffened.

"Necklace? Why do I need to buy a necklace?" He asked, clearly acting dumb.

"Should we call the doctor? You seem to be suffering from memory loss." Taio Ru said sarcastically. He didn't buy Jun De's poor excuse. His body slowly slithering closer to Jun De's neck.

"Sorry, it was a bad joke. I haven't bought it because I haven't had the time. Work keeps pilling up and when I do have time, I get distracted..." Jun De was having a difficult time thinking of a good excuse.

"Jun De, if you don't want to buy a necklassss it'ssss okay to tell me. I won't be ssssad or angry." Taio Ru said strangely stretching out is "s" sounds for dramatic affect. Like a villain out of a movie. He slowly moved closer and grinned mischievously.

"It's fun how nervous he looks." Taio Ru thought.

Unbeknownst to Taio Ru, Jun De wasn't nervous about his questions. But rather ticklish. Every time Taio Ru stressed his "s" sounds his tongue would lightly flick his neck.

"Jun De, tell me the truth. No matter how ssssurprisssing it issss." Taio Ru continued.

"Love, it really isn't for any important reason. It's getting late. Love, you should rest early." Jun De said in a poor attempt to end the conversation.

"Don't lie. Liesss between husssbandssss issss bad."

Jun De had a feeling if he  didn't give in and tell him the real reason Taio Ru wouldn't stop. Also, what Taio Ru was saying about lies was true. After a moment of silence he finally gave in.

"Love, I haven't bought the necklace because I don't like it when you stay near me neck."

"Why not?" Taio Ru exclaimed in surprise. He never thought that would be the real reason Jun De hadn't bought the necklace.

"I love you, but when you touch my neck, it's quite ticklish." Jun De clarified.

"Ticklish? You never said anything before when I would lay there while on the ship."

Jun De couldn't take the light licks whenever Taio Ru made an "s" sound stressed or not so he gently moved Taio Ru onto his palm.

"I knew you liked it. And I also like it, although it's also very distracting." Jun De tried his best not to make Taio Ru sad.

"Jun De, if it bothers you I'd rather you told me. Do you also not like it when I wrap around your arm or wrist? What about your palms? Wait do you feel uncomfortable when I sleep on your chest?" Taio Ru asked a little unsettled by the possibilities.

"No, baby I don't hate any of it. I love it when you wrap around my wrist. Holding you in my palm as well. As for my chest. I'd feel worried if you slept elsewhere. It's just the neck." Jun De quickly said.

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