Chapter 14: Getting a Job

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The next day, Taio Ru woke up drowsily surrounded by the comfortable warmth of his Bae Jun De. Unwilling to wake up he wiggled about digging his head further down under his own curled up body.

"Love, if you want to continue to sleep that's fine, but I need to get up and deal with work." Jun De said noticing the movement.

"Should I not come again?" Taio Ru asked yawning not quite reacting to Jun De's natural use of his new pet name.

"I'd like you to accompany me, but it's best not to cause another situation like yesterday." Jun De admitted.

"It's fine. Can you let me in the garden? I'll sleep a little longer in the sun by the brook." Taio Ru decided pushing his head out from under the covers.

"Understood. I'll come get you when I'm done and we can go eat breakfast." Jun De said agreeing to Taio Ru's suggestion.

With Taio Ru settled in the garden Jun De returned to the meeting room to deal with the reconnaissance team and inform them of his decision.


While waiting for Jun De to finish work Taio Ru had some time to think about his current situation.

"Once we reach the capital their are definitely people who will want to investigate my identity. Although Jun De will help, in the end a lot of trouble will be caused by this. Should we make up a lie to tell others instead?..." Taio Ru was a little nervous.

He didn't consider things much before. Perhaps out of habit, he just naturally assumed Jun De would take care of everything for him. Like his family and the government had in his previous life.

Now, as Jun De's boyfriend he needs a stronger background. "Jun De is a Marshal in the army and of  noble lineage. If I stay by his side people are going to investigate and have complaints. I need to build my reputation to a point where they can't complain." Taio Ru thought.

However doing so would not be easy. He had been studying and although they had more advanced technology  the basic principals and rules in science were the same as Earth. The only difference being in biology.

Taio Ru had confidence in his mind. "The most prestigious people are either in the army or technology. Specifically in the advancement in weapons like building me has or spaceships. If it's theory I should be able to design a working mecha, but building one requires more practical skills." Taio Ru thought while browsing through the star network.

He admired how most celebrities weren't athletes and entertainers like Earth, but fighters and scientists. Those who helped the country rather than just entertained people.

Even for himself back on Earth, as a genius who received multiple Nobel prizes and developed ground-breaking achievements, his popularity paled in comparison to the top actor. Not that he necessarily wanted to be famous. The little game he did have only brought him trouble.

"Gaining fame might help with staying by the marshal's side more comfortably. Otherwise, won't he have to deal with people complaining to him about me. I'd rather not cause him unnecessary problems." Taio Ru thought.

"There is also the issue with money. I've been spending Jun De's money without guilt since arriving, but I can't continue doing it. If our relationship is that of lovers I want to be able to contribute something financially as well." Taio Ru decided. No one wanted to be a burden on their loved ones, including Taio Ru.

After much thought Taio Ru decided on his next course of action, "Let's start by getting a job and building up my reputation."


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