Chapter 74: Missed Call

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Taio Ru stood up to go to the bathroom. Recently, because of the pregnancy, he found himself taking twice as many trips to the bathroom in a day.

"How am I supposed to get any work done if I'm always rushing to the bathroom to pee, or worse vomit?" He grumbled.

Suddenly a chill ran down his spine. He grabbed hold of the table to steady himself. A feeling of dread bore down on his heart.

Sitting down Taio Ru took a deep breath trying to calm himself. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He looked over at the clock.

"Jun De should be calling soon. Maybe... maybe he will have an idea?" Taio Ru thought as he slowly closed his eyes in an attempt to slow his racing heart beat.

Minutes passed.

Taio Ru had finally managed to calm himself. Reopening his eyes he stood once more and headed to the bathroom. Even when feeling unwell, his bladder wouldn't give him a break.

After washing up, Taio Ru decided to sit on the couch and wait for Jun De's call. If he answered the call while in the lab he would have to listen to Jun De's complaints. He was always telling him to rest early, and not rush his research.

Sitting on the couch with nothing to do Taio Ru opened his bracelet's interface and pulled up one of the many books the doctor had sent him.

This one highlighted the Gui clans pregnancy. Like him, they were reptiles and lay eggs. It noted that the Gui clan members were pregnant for three months than needed to incubate the eggs for another three months.

It varied between the different families within the clan, but Taio Ru couldn't complain if his pregnancy was similar. The less time he spent pregnant the better. He thought as he placed his hand over his stomach.

"Don't be upset, but being pregnant isn't easy. Once you come out your other daddy will take great care of you. He is very protective and loving. Even if your just an egg, I promise he will treat you well." Taio Ru said his eyes naturally drifting to the clock.

He had started talking to the little egg. Not that he would admit it to anyone. However he felt closer to Jun De when he spoke to it and thought about how the baby was a part of both of them.

Taio Ru looked at the time his brow furrowing. It was getting late, yet Jun De still hadn't called him. "He's probably just busy. I'm sure he will call soon." He said aloud in an attempt to reassure himself.


Time slowly ticked by, still Jun De hadn't called.

No matter how optimistic or calm he tried to be Taio Ru couldn't help but start to panic.

Past midnight Taio Ru could no longer hold back. He called Lieutenant Wuya.

Beep!... Beep!...

The moment the call connected, Taio Ru spoke.

"Jun De hasn't called me. Do you know what's happening right now? Can you send him a message?"

He tried to sound composed but his red eyes and haste exposed his anxiety.

"Do not worry. Marshal Xiongmao is currently preoccupied, but when he becomes available he will contact you. I suggest you get some rest first." Lieutenant Wuya said.

He was also anxiously awaiting news from the battlefield. However he couldn't be honest and worry Taio Ru more than necessary.

Unfortunately him trying to remain vague only caused Taio Ru greater anxiety.

"Hey Wuya! What the hell is going on? Why haven't we gotten any news from the Zenith yet?!" Lieutenant Laohu shouted from just outside the room.

Taio Ru had obviously heard his words and the reality hit. " The Zenith, that's the name of Jun De's ship, right? What happened? Lieutenant Wuya tell me what's going on!" Taio Ru shouted."

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