Chapter 105: Doctor's Appointment

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Jun De looked over at the door reluctant to move. But knowing it would be the doctor he slowly placed one hand under the other just in case the babies might fall and planned to walk over and open the door.

"Stop! What are you doing? First and Third are on your thumb and you can't leave Second alone in the crib unsupervised." Taio Ru exclaimed.

Being reprimanded Jun De froze. "Love don't worry I won't drop them. Plus the crib is meant to be safe so we can leave them in it alone." Jun De said surprised by Taio Ru's worry.

Taio Ru grimaced at his response. Then like a bolt of lightning the Second sprung up and tried to grab hold of Jun De's raised hand.

Taio Ru quickly moved his tail to catch the little red and black snake which was about to fall.

Knock... knock

"Good catch! I just need to open the door for the doctor. It's only a few steps. Help me keep them safe?" Jun De asked when he realized the little snakes wouldn't be letting go nor did he want to let them go.

Taio Ru hesitated as he watched the Second make himself comfortable around Jun De's thumb, next to its siblings.

"Don't drop them." He warned as he moved his head closer to the three of them in a protective stance.

"Never." Jun De assured.

Jun De then walked the few steps to the door and unlocked it.


"Marshal, may I come in?" The doctor said. He had never been inside the garden before.

Jun De nodded before quickly heading back to the crib. The little snakes seemed to tighten their hold when the doctor arrived and he worried they might be scared.

"Don't worry my adorable little ones, it's just the doctor. He won't hurt you." Jun De said in a soft tone.

The doctor followed behind while dragging in some medical equipment. Similar to what he had in the medical bay it included a portable exam capsule as well as a few other things he thought he might need.

"Where are the babies?" The doctor asked as he scanned the inside of the crib.

"Here." Taio Ru said.

The doctor looked over at him and to his surprise noticed three red, white, and black spotted rings on the marshal thumb. As he observed the rings curiously, one suddenly began to move.

"How surprising." The doctor said.

The moment he spoke the small movements ceased. "They are a little scared." Jun De said as he watched them.

"Doctor can you examine them while they are on Jun De's thumb?" Taio Ru asked.

"I can give them a preliminary exam, but first I think I should have a look at you, Taio Ru." The doctor said. He had noticed the aftermath of the birth in the crib and the strange liquid coming from Taio Ru.

Agreeing Taio Ru looked up at Jun De. Without a word spoken Jun De moved his other hand to help carry Taio Ru over to the doctor's portable exam capsule.

Taio Ru's movements were sluggish at best. Finally settled he laid down.

"Taio Ru I need to have a look at your body. I also need to know the details of the birth."

Taio Ru explained as best he could. While he did, Jun De tried coaxing the tiny little rings from their frozen state.

"Don't worry my lovelies. He's the doctor. A doctor is someone who will treat you when you're sick or hurt. Look he's taking care of your father now."

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