Chapter 88: Anonymous

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Just as Jun De was about to reply to Lieutenant Wuya's message, Taio Ru transformed back into his human form. His pale naked body appeared in Jun De's arms.

"Taio Ru?" Jun De called out in surprise and relief.

"Jun De, why?" Taio Ru said as he looked at Jun De feeling confused.

"I don't know. But I believe it's a good sign. Do you want to go see the doctor?" Jun De asked as he grabbed the blanket and quickly wrapped Taio Ru.

"No. I just feel tired." Taio Ru said his eyes heavy.

"Okay, but first put some clothes on. It would be terrible if you caught a cold."

Taio Ru lazily let Jun De dress and wrap him up in blankets. Finding his usual place in Jun De's embrace he closed his eyes.

With Taio Ru finally taken care of. Jun De returned his attention to Lieutenant Wuya's message.

Lieutenant Wuya,

Taio Ru currently requires my full support. Our correspondence will have to be through silent message only.

Proceed with your report.


Marshal, as ordered I quickly went to the restaurant to deal with the incident.

Once I arrived Lieutenant Laohu had already left for the hospital with the injured woman in question.

I spoke with the restaurant's owner who had quickly arrived on scene before me. He had finished speaking with the staff and guests requesting they respect your privacy and not post any information online.

Thankful for his quick work I joined him in speaking with all patrons and staff present and apologizing for the inconvenience. We also offered to pay for their meals. Everyone seemed willing to cooperate.

Unfortunately our efforts proved fruitless . Someone had already begun posting the incident on the Star Network with comments and details insulting and condemning Taio Ru. The poster has been linked to multiple threads.

I will forward you the links to the posts separately.

Each post reveals details that no other staff member or patron would have knowledge of. Including but not limited to:

Taio Ru's full name.
The poster claims Taio Ru used his clan name to get close to you. Falsifying a noble lineage and tricking you.

His sudden appearance on the ship.
The poster claims Taio Ru miraculously appeared on the ship and seduced you. Other soldiers objected, but were overruled because you had already fallen in love with him. As though under a spell.

The mutiny that resulted from his presence on the ship.
The poster claims Taio Ru used his influence and your love to take revenge on Captain Baihu. They said the mutiny was a cover story for Taio Ru's jealous attempt of getting rid of your ex-fiancé.

Your rushed return to Capital Star after the main battle despite your injuries.
The posters claims Taio Ru threatened to divorce you and humiliated you over the open air channel of the ship if you didn't return immediately. Against the advice of your doctor, and your professional ethics you returned.

Taio Ru's special dietary requirements.
The poster claims that Taio Ru is a selfish person who demands only the most expensive and rarest ingredients be used for his meals. If his demands are not met he will go mad in anger.

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